This is because the actions of Tiberius Gracchus did seem revolutionary to many. For example when he disregarded the authority of the Senate by bringing his land-bill that states that no one is allowed to hold 500 iugera of land and that the children could occupy half the amount straight to the Popular Assembly without going through the Senate (Appian R. Hist. Ex. 9). His actions were based on his knowledge that there will be no fair hearing as most of the senators owned large properties and will be the ones with the biggest loss if the land bill was passed (Scullard 1982 : 26). Other than that, when Tiberius Gracchus passed the law on redistribution of land, the wealthy who are blinded by greed strongly opposed the law and accused Tiberius Gracchus of attempting revolution (Plutarch Gracc. Ex. 9). The event where Tiberius Gracchus decided to run as tribune for the second year without election made it further seem that he was suggesting dictatorship (Appian R. Hist. Ex. 15). Evidence of his political motives can also be seen after the death of King Attalus III of Pergamum. On the will of King Attalus III, it is stated that the Roman people were to inherit the throne of the King. Once again, without regard of the senate’s authority over financial and foreign affairs, Tiberius Gracchus immediately suggested a bill that this inheritance should be used to …show more content…
Due to the large number of slaves working on the farms of the rich, farmers who used to work at nearby lands started to lose their jobs and the little income they used to earn. The problems with property and debt became so severe that the farmers eventually sold their lands to search for other jobs. Even with that, they could not be employed as the slaves took up most of the available jobs (Perry et al. 2007 : 13). The poverty, tax and military service caused much suffering among the Italians (Appian R. Hist. Ex. 7). In addition to that, decreasing number of crops, problems regarding transportation and the rebellion of slaves in Sicily caused an increase in the prices of grain, adding more burden on the already poor farmers (Blois & Spek 1997 : 196). As cited in Stockton, “Tiberius Gracchus sought to carry an agrarian law. It appealed to the common people. It looked likely to safeguard the fortunes of the poor.” (Stockton 1979 : 31). This downfall of Rome’s economy at that time not only affected the lives of the people but also directly influenced the military manpower of Rome. Poor men who continue to lose their lands dropped to a social class where they are not qualified to enroll in the army due to their low asset qualifications that does not exceed the minimum standard to join legionary service. Most of the soldiers are also left with nothing after they retire except possessions seized from victories in