The first piece of evidence I will be using to determine if there is an existence of God is the cosmological argument. The cosmological argument was famously publicised by St Thomas Aquinas and tries to prove the existence of God with three points, which are motion, causality and contingency: Motion, everything that moves must be moved by something else as nothing can move itself. There cannot be infinite regression …show more content…
Furthermore, the teleological argument does this by explaining how complex and intricate the universe is. The teleological argument was famously publicized by William Paley, who came up with the renowned watch analogy. The watch analogy explains how if you were walking down a heath and stumbled upon a pocket watch, you wouldn’t just think it just appeared you would think that such a complex object must have been designed. William Paley then compared the universe to the watch, he then saw that the earth is so complex that there must have been a significant being to design the earth, William Paley then concluded the being was God. This is further justified by the complexity of photosynthesis, a naturally occurring process which is so complicated that it can’t have not been designed therefore there must have been a being who had designed the process.
Evidence of the existence of god is apparent with the teleological argument as the idea of the universe being designed by god which seems logical. God is sought out to be omnipotent therefore wouldn’t it make sense if he had designed the universe thus exist? Yes, it would! The universe is so complex that it couldn’t have just designed itself so there must have been a