The novel entitled, The Count of Monte Cristo was written by Alexander Dumas. The story begins during the eighteenth century and takes place in the country of France. The environment is within the travelling adventures of men embarking on a ship called the Pharoan. The protagonist is introduced by the author as being, Edmond Dantes. This character is seemingly described as being an extremely trustworthy and very naive young man. He is a youthful sailor from Marseilles and is more or less favorably destined to become the next captain of the ship. While sailing abroad the ship named the Pharaon, the presiding Captain LeClure dies of what was then known as brain fever. Dantes assumes the acting position of commander and leads the ship back to Marseilles. The ship-owner, Monsieur Morrel, is overwhelmingly charmed to find that such a young man had the keen ability and skill to have mastered such a task. Monsieur Morrel makes plans to bestow Edmond Dantes as the official captain of the Pharaon. However, unbeknownst to Dantes this has gained himself four scheming and conniving cut throat enemies. These four characters within the story were noted as Danglers, Ferdinand Cadarouse and at his own account Villefort. Henceforth, each of the four men collectively betrayed Edmond Dantes for their own selfish reasons. However, Gerard de Villefort the prosecutor ultimately betrayed Edmond Dantes the most.
As an illustration, betrayal is a conscious act of disloyalty and deceit on another person. In essence, the dualism the author shows they undertook unfaithful pretenses to exploit an innocent party. These characters basically implemented false information to mislead and discredit Dantes character. Through deceptive means they destroyed the promising life of a young man. They disregarded Dantes as an individual and displayed no love, trust or compassion. Overall, divulging false information and misleading disingenuousness they were able to gain
Cited: Dumas, Alexander.The Count of Monte Christo.New York:Barnes and Nobles