Cutler Fisher
AMST 3950W
April 15, 2012
The term epidemic is typically used in relation to the spread of a disease however; in the mid 1980’s this term was attached to crack cocaine. The crack cocaine epidemic described the impact of a newly created drug on most U.S. cities in the northeast and Mid Atlantic. Washington, D.C. provided the perfect setting for crack cocaine to flourish. Plenty of low-income inner city housing projects complete with open air drug markets labeled D.C. as a leading U.S. city with a major crack cocaine problem. As crack cocaine became a national talking point the federal government stepped in to curb its use. Congress along with other sections of the federal government pushed for a tough approach to crack cocaine. The crack cocaine “epidemic” in Washington, D.C. coincided with President’s Regan’s “War on Drugs”. The creation of a new cabinet position; “Drug Czar” coupled with extremely harsh penalties directed for use and distribution of crack cocaine characterized the War on Drugs. One of the most controversial new penalties was the disproportionate sentence for crack cocaine compared to powder cocaine. All wars have casualties and the unfair and harsh sentences for crack cocaine created by the federal government greatly impacted the D.C. area through a backlash of increased violence. Also, both Federal and local D.C. enforcement strategies such as undercover stings made Washington D.C. volatile. Violence and crack became synonymous.
Crack cocaine was on the heels of the popularity of cocaine, an illegal powder-like substance, that as a stimulant is snorted to produce a euphoric feeling or high. Cocaine hails from the high mountainous regions of South America from the leaves of the coco plant. In the United States cocaine was initially used for medicinal purposes by Sigmund Freud in the 1880’s as a “cure” for depression. In 1886, an exciting new
Bibliography: Bewley-Taylor, Taylor, Chris Hallam, and Rob Allen, The Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme, "The Incarceration of Drug Offenders: an Overview," Accessed May 3, 2012, Bilchic, Shay. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, "Gun Violence in the United States," Accessed May 3, 2012, Cauvin, Hanri. "A Drug kingpin 's Ho-Selling Story." The Washington Post, July 22, 2005. (accessed May 3, 2012). Doyle, Joseph. "Child Protection and Child Outcomes: Measuring the Effect of Foster Care." The American Economic Review. 97. no. 5 (2007). (accessed May 3, 2012). Janet, Shickles. United States General Accounting Office, "The Crack Cocaine Epidemic: Consequences and Treatment." Accessed May 3, 2012. Mather, Mark, and Kerri Rivers. Population Reference Bureau, "The Concentration of Negative Child Outcomes in Low-Income Neighborhoods." Accessed May 3, 2012. The Disaster Center, "District of Colombia Crime Rates 1960-2010." Accessed May 3, 2012. Stocks, Erica. "Six arrested in local drug crackdown, "The Winchester Star, (accessed May 3, 2012). William Chambliss, "Policing the Ghetto Underclass: The Politics of Law and Law Enforcement," Social Problems, 41, no. 2 (1994): 177-194, -------------------------------------------- [ 3 ]. Louie Gohmert, “Unfairness In Federal Cocaine Sentencing: Is It Time To Crack The 100 To 1 Disparity?” May 21, 2009 [ 4 ] [ 5 ]. Bilchic, Shay. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, "Gun Violence in the United States," Accessed May 3, 2012, [ 6 ]. Alden, Bill. PBS, "Frontline," Accessed May 1, 2012, [ 7 ] [ 8 ]. Stocks, Erica. "Six arrested in local drug crackdown, "The Winchester Star, . (accessed May 3, 2012). [ 9 ]. William Chambliss, "Policing the Ghetto Underclass: The Politics of Law and Law Enforcement," Social Problems, 41, no. 2 (1994): 177-194, [ 10 ] [ 11 ]. Janet, Shickles. United States General Accounting Office, "The Crack Cocaine Epidemic: Consequences and Treatment." Accessed May 3, 2012. [ 13 ]. Mather, Mark, and Kerri Rivers. Population Reference Bureau, "The Concentration of Negative Child Outcomes in Low-Income Neighborhoods." Accessed May 3, 2012. [ 14 ]. Doyle, Joseph. "Child Protection and Child Outcomes: Measuring the Effect of Foster Care." The American Economic Review. 97. no. 5 (2007). (accessed May 3, 2012). [ 15 ]. Doyle, Joseph. "Child Protection and Child Outcomes: Measuring the Effect of Foster Care." The American Economic Review. 97. no. 5 (2007). (accessed May 3, 2012). [ 16 ]. Bewley-Taylor, Taylor, Chris Hallam, and Rob Allen, The Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme, "The Incarceration of Drug Offenders: an Overview," Accessed May 3, 2012, [ 17 ]. Bewley-Taylor, Taylor, Chris Hallam, and Rob Allen, The Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme, "The Incarceration of Drug Offenders: an Overview," Accessed May 3, 2012, [ 18 ]. Cauvin, Hanri. "A Drug kingpin 's Ho-Selling Story." The Washington Post, July 22, 2005. (accessed May 3, 2012). Mary Bissel, and Rob Geen, "Fostering Progress:Facts to Move Children and Families Forward,"Children 's Voice Child Welfare Legue of America, 14, no. 6 (2005),