In the United States, criminal defense lawyers deal with the issues neighboring an arrest, a criminal investigation, criminal charges, sentencing, appeals and post-trial issues. Sometimes attorneys will specialize in a role within criminal defense such as drug defense or DUI defense. An arrest just means a police officer or judge believes potential cause exists that a person committed a crime. Most times an arrest is usually made by law enforcement; the arrest often is for a criminal charge that has not been charged or verified by an attorney or judge. Criminal defense lawyers also deal with the essential issues of the crimes with which his or her clients are charged. Criminal defense lawyers may also help clients before charges have been filed by a prosecuting attorney. This is done when someone believes he or she is being investigated or is …show more content…
After the offender is convicted and sentenced they are then processed in the corrections system. Offenders can be placed in a community- based facility, get placed on probation which is an arrangement between the authorities and the offender, and also get incarcerated. While an individual is incarcerated they must follow the rules and regulations given by the probation officer. When they do not comply with the following guidelines one would be subjected to end up back in jail or in jail if they were never sentenced. Some examples of general conditions could be but not limited to, having regular meetings with their probation officer, obeying all the laws, allowing unannounced searches and not being in possession of a firearm or