After John Proctor has an affair with Abigail Williams, he is filled with guilt and he does not have the self-respect to forgive himself for what he had done. He is bothered with his disgrace, only because he knows in his heart the one day he will have to confess to his sins and ruin his reputation. There was a trial in court for all the witchcraft going on in Salem. His wife (Elizabeth) is being tried for witchcraft. She was accused by…
When the play sets into action, John has had a past affair with his servant Abigail Williams. His wife, Elizabeth Proctor, is very forgiving of his sin, but John has his mind set that he will not confess to anyone else, in fear of ruining his good name, and reputation.The affair between John and Abigail caused the start of chaotic witchery and accusation. After the affair, Abigail became horribly jealous of Elizabeth Proctor. Proctor realizes there is only one way to stop all the witch hysteria in Salem, and that would be to confess his sin of adultery. Although he knows he should, he continues to be determined not to confess. Reverend Parris is new to town, and John insist continually that he is only speaking of hell, and hardly ever of God, as Proctor goes on to say to Parris, "Can you speak one minute without we land in Hell again? I am sick of Hell!" In the drama, Mary Warren places a needle in a poppet she gave to Elizabeth; John firmly demands that Mary Warren tell the courts that she really put the needle in the poppet that day. Proctor says to her, "You're coming to the court with me, Mary. You will tell it in the court." Furthermore, at the end of the play Proctor is persistent by saying that no matter what anyone says to convince him differently, he would rather die an honest man and save his name. John Proctor took pride in his thoughts, feelings, values, and his name. It took persistency to make his intent clear to others.…
In the Proctor household, there is so much tension between Elizabeth Proctor, Proctor’s wife, and John Proctor. Proctor has committed adultery with a teenage servant, Abigail Williams. Although Abigail has been gone for 7 months, Elizabeth still cannot trust Proctor. Proctor is constantly trying to please his wife, knowing full well Elizabeth is still upset. Proctor finally had…
John Proctor fears his name’s identity, which is evident near the end of the play when he resists Deputy Danforth and Reverend Hale’s posting his name on the church door, accusing him of witchcraft (IV.712-717). John Proctor is Elizabeth Proctor’s husband, who involved in an affair with Abigail Williams when she was still working as the Proctor’s maid. Elizabeth fires Abigail, once she realizes her maid and her husband’s covert relationship. Elizabeth’s dismissal causes Abigail to become very angry, for women had little power at the time, let alone unmarried women like herself. By playing her Mafia-like wailing and doll piercing games and forcing the other Salem girl to participate, Abigail determines to terminate Elizabeth and keep John for herself (460-473). Nevertheless, the court concludes John as a witch when Elizabeth—hoping to keep the Proctor’s honor—twists the story about how she dismissed Abigail. Even though the court understands John to be innocuous man, fearing their reputation, they persist in delivering his a death sentence,…
In summary, John Proctor proves a true hero legacy. He has a lot of downfalls in his lifetime: Living a life as a farmer, A person who didn’t go to church. Had sacrifice his life for others. Not all heroes are skilled and perfect, but John Proctor is a definition of a True…
John Proctor learned that maybe it’s okay to tell a white lie, in order to keep your life. Proctor was a tragic hero in the sense that he tried to save his wife and many others, even if that meant ruining his name in the town. He also refused to admit to being a witch in order for his kids to able to keep his land.…
There is a controversy that John Proctor is the nobleman of the story and presented as an archetypal tragic hero. John Proctor is a farmer that lives outside the town with his wife Elizabeth. He is a good man with many good deeds but has one sin that is his biggest downfall. His admiration for Abigail Williams. Which sparks off the plot of the novel The Crucible John Proctor is a tragic hero by his actions during the trials, his tragic flaw, and how faces and accepts death with honor.…
John Proctor appears to be an authentic, honorable, and candid man. In act one, Proctor exuberates love for authority and exercises his power to the best of his ability. Readers see through Proctor’s witty persona and analyze his fatal sin that fills him with guilt, his affair with Abigail Williams. In the midst of the play, John Proctor undergoes a plethora of self-torment and guilt. Meanwhile, the witch trials continue to be investigated. Only John can free innocent men and women tried for practicing witchcraft, but in the process will ruin his reputation. Proctor later confesses to his act of lechery and rests in the gallows with his neighbors. By doing so, John is perceived as a…
In the play, John Proctor is an ordinary farmer, who has proven himself a hardworking man, with a good name around the village of Salem. John is the type of man who often says what he believes and he does what his heart tells him to. In his past he has done a lot of good and bad deeds, but he is a human and humans do make mistakes for example, he had committed the crime of lechery with Abigail Williams. Abigail used to work at his house as a servant for him and his wife Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail is a two-faced 18 year old who causes a lot of mischief and she is in love with John and will do anything to separate him and his wife, just to take her place. John clearly regrets the mistake he had made in his life, and does his best to pick himself up and attempts to change things in his life. He is a smart man who is somewhat foolish, because from what I have observed, John puts more importance on the present than he does on the future. He is a kind man who is loyal to his wife and friends; he even blackens his own name for the sake of their lives. He is devoted to stop the hangings, and save the people who are accused.…
John Proctor is a tragic hero in the efforts to save his wife’s life but sacrifices his life to preserving his pride, dignity, and truth; dying as a man with many flaws but a good man in the eyes of God. John Proctor is the common man who's making an honest living as a farmer in the Puritan town of Salem, Massachusetts. Many describe him as a virtuous, stern man who speaks his mind and is well-respected. He is a man of integrity; a harsh-tongued man whose lust led him to an affair with Abigail Williams, his former servant. This leaves a strain in his marriage and he can’t seem to forgive himself. When introduced to the story, John Proctor is a passive protagonist who does nothing to affect the main plot of the story. During this time, he is motivated by staying out of the witch hunt hysteria to save himself and his reputation. John says to Elizabeth, “I’ll think on it”(Miller, 27); John is trying to avoid getting involved in the witch hunt. His self-serving desire to be silent leads many innocent people to their deaths, leaving those responsible unaccountable. It is until Elizabeth is arrested for “witchcraft” he get involved in proving her innocence and exposing the…
Proctor is arrested on charges of witchcraft along with his wife, Elizabeth. The people that are arrested for witchcraft live if they confess, but hang if they deny the charges, even if the charges are not truthful. This plays an important part in the testing of John’s integrity later in the play. In the beginning, we find out that Proctor had an affair with the niece of the town reverend, Abigail Williams. This displays a lack of integrity for John, but nobody knows about it until later. John shows his integrity when he confesses to this affair later in the play. At the beginnig of the play, the Proctor’s want no part in the witch trials. They get dragged into the proceedings when Abigail accuses Elizabeth of hurting her with a voodoo doll. John has integegrity when he tries to save his wife from being hanged. He gets depositions from others in the town that show how good his wife was. He has Mary Warren, who was working in the Proctor house, confess that she was the one who made the doll and stuck the needle in it. This does not work though, and Mary turns on Proctor and gets him arrested. When Proctor is in jail, he shows his integrity once again. He knows that he has the…
One of the characteristics that make John Proctor such a dynamic character is the fact that he admitted his mistake, showing that he is brave. John Proctor defends himself…
Individuals may think that John Proctor is not a tragic hero, due to his flaws. However, that is what makes him a tragic hero. He is an average person, who has errors but he tries to correct them with the rest of his honor. The people in Salem see themselves as immaculate, however their misconceptions bring the death of nineteen innocent women, and men. Proctor tries them to see that their beliefs, are foolish. He suffered the consequences of the affair he had with Abigail…
John committed adultery with Abigail Williams. But feeling so bad for his actions he never wanted to commit adultery again “I will cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again” page 22 act one. This quote shows an extreme bloody image to emphasize the strength and determination that John will never cheat again. But Abigail did not feel the same she proclaims that John Proctor is in love with her. But John denies the accusation and claims that his love is for his wife Elizabeth Procter. This crushed Abigail, so she decided that since she can’t have John Proctor, Elizabeth can’t either. She decided to come up with a lie that Elizabeth is proctor is a witch of Salem. Later in the book Elizabeth Proctor is arrested and put on trial for witchcraft by her accuser Abigail Williams. She later confessed to witchcraft and she was thrown in jail. Her execution was put on hold for her accusation of being pregnant. John Proctor went into court to defend his wife, but later on ended up confessing to lechery, but the court didn't believe him. He then turned to his servant Mary Warren to testify against Abigail Williams and the rest of the other girls for lying about witchcraft. But Mary Warren was threatened and so terrified by Abigail Williams that she lied and testified against John Proctor proclaiming he used his spirit to drag her into court and testify…
Through the hundreds of accusations of witchcraft, any innocent townsman’s life and identity could have been questioned and threatened. The character most associated with a threatened identity was John Proctor, a local farmer. After cheating on his wife, Elizabeth, she decides not to spread the story, but keeps it as a domestic issue. She scolds John time after time, reiterating the pain he causes. John just doesn’t want the story of his affair to spread throughout the town because he is worried about his own reputation and identity. Abigail, the woman he had his affair with, tries to convince Proctor to elope with her and leave Elizabeth, but John refuses. At the same…