It is a human right for everyone to have good health, food, and a place to stay. Unfortunately
people living in poverty sometimes have to sacrifice one for the other. Because healthcare is so
expensive, it is usually impossible for the impoverished to afford health insurance, and their health is
often being neglected. It is important for nurses to understand the culture of poverty, to explore other
culture 's values and beliefs and how they are related to the care they provide.. By developing such
relation, nurses and healthcare providers will have a positive effect on their clients ,and a better chance
for positive health outcomes will likely be obtain.
Paraphrase According to the article “Culture of Poverty”,” People who experience poverty may have diseases in greater numbers because of their lack of health insurance and access to health care providers.” (Killian & Waite, 2008, pp.7A). Because of the lifestyle that comes with poverty and the sacrifices they often have to make, they get certain diseases like heart disease, diabetes at early age than people of higher socioeconomic status. They get minimal results from their treatments because sometimes they cannot afford the medications, and, worst of all, they do get neglected by healthcare providers. However,nurses will care for clients regardless of clients 'resources. Nurses certainly may be able to turn the lives of these people around by treating them according to the ethical and standards of the nursing process and by advocating for them. Nurses can create an environment that respects the clients ' rights and dignity regardless of class, culture, or nationality.
Analysis This is a very educational article, I hope that every nurses and health care providers have the chance to read it and learn from it. The poverty issue is truly important, because nurses may often be in
References: Killian, P., & Wait, R. (2008, December). The culture of poverty. Advance for Nurses, pp.7A-8A.