In America, there are several individuals that are glorified and admired by society, but do they really deserve to be praised? Not many famous and admired historical figures deserve the praise they receive from society many of them are highly respected, however, even though they have all made a change in the world if several of them still lived they'd be bashed upon and hated.
To begin, there are several historical leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Jefferson, and Christopher Columbus that have had an impact on America politically, historically, and socially. When society thinks of these individuals the first thought that comes to their mind is prostive. Gandhi was a social activist that promoted non-violent principles and …show more content…
In 19 Startling Facts And Quotes That Reveal Gandhi's Dark, Bizarre Side, Kuroski states that Gandhi would write "Dear Friend" letters to Adolf Hitler, It is so unexpected to see such a such a "great person" who is greatly admired writing letters to the century's greatest monster saying, "We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents." As a human, people know the difference between right and wrong. When Gandhi communicated with Hitler and told him that he was not a monster he knew that Hitler had done horrible things such as mass killings of Jews in Germany. Kuroski states that author Romain Hayes explains that, after the two met in 1931, Gandhi called Mussolini "one of the great statesmen of our time," and went on to write the following in a letter to a friend: "Many of his reforms attract me. He seems to have done much for the peasant class. I admit an iron hand is there. But as violence is the basis of Western society, Mussolini's reforms deserve an impartial study.” This shows that Gandhi would not only send letters to Hitler but to Mussolini as well, an Italian dictator, meaning Gandhi had connections with such malicious people who had very pessimistic minds and would call them his friends. Someone so admired by …show more content…
According to Adams, Gandhi met one of his famous companions, Sushila Nayar, when she was just six. She was brought to Gandhi by her mother. As the girl was sitting on his lap Gandhi asked her mother to gift the child to him! Although she didn't become his at that very moment Nayar did return to him as a teenager and became one of his close companions (Kuroski). It is not very common for men to ask young girls as a gift it seems fairly odd. Kuroski states that according to the Adams' biography he had sleeping arrangements with many women/teenagers he kept these individuals close that they would even sleep nude in his bed. His list of nude sleeping partners included his own grandniece! (Kuroski) When the public was aware of his sleeping arrangement they asked Gandhi to stop with these actions, even people in his inner circle asked for him to remove these girls from his bed, however, he refused to do so (Kuroski). This shows that Gandhi was is not righteous in his mental state because of the horrible things he would do making these women sleep with him in nudity. This can be considered a source of sexual harassment because he would force these women including his own grandnieces to sleep naked with him. According to,