One afternoon I was walking home from my friend's house along the railroad tracks barefoot and suddenly I felt a sharp prickly pain shooting up my leg, I look down and realized I had stepped on a broken piece of glass. When I got home my mother told me I should go get a tetanus immunization in case I had contracted tetanus. I did not know what tetanus is, so then I decided to do some research.…
One time I was riding a very high powered four wheeler, Yamaha raptor 700rr. This bike topped out at about 95mph (no exaggeration) and I was going about 60-70mph down a dirt/rock road. When I needed to slow down I tapped the front brakes a little to hard and the bike stood up on its front two wheels, now in my head, rather than getting eaten by a 400lbs bike I decided to jump off to my right. I tumbled and tumbled lost my shoes and oddly enough ripped my shirt off…
I was about eight years old when this happened. I was just playing around on our elliptical and suddenly my foot slipped off the pedals. My other foot was still going around though. Once my foot still on the elliptical mad a circle it ran over my other foot hard! Then I fell off the elliptical but my foot that got ran over was still in it.…
Accidents or Injuries: 1) chipped left ankle while playing football and I got tackled by a big guy. It hurt a lot. Went to Coudersport Charles Cole Hospital…
Well, as fate would have it, Nick ran into me. The momentum he had on impact, caused me to fall forward, right into a brick wall. I remember the pain running through my arms and face, but nothing hurt as badly as my lip. My first grade teacher came out, and she helped me to the nurse. The nurse called my mother, and told her that I had to go to the hospital. Before my mother got to the school, although she was driving pretty fast, I got to look in the mirror. My upper lip was split open, and did not look pretty. It was bleeding excessively when my mother got to the school. She quickly got me into the car, and we drove off.…
I thanked him and went on my way. I added the numbered bib to my cross country jersey and began to walk towards the start once again. I walked with my friend Sam, who was about to run. We commenced chatting about the race ahead. It was at that one point in time that everything slipped out of my grasp. It was in that split second that some divine being decided that I should suffer. I fell in silence. I believed it would be like in the movies, where time seems to pass slowly. But, if anything, time ran faster than a Mach 6 jet. I fell on my bottom and back. I began to sit up, and my left leg seemed to bend sideways. I struggled my way up, looked at my left ankle, and found that it had just curled into a very awkward angle, nothing even close to…
My father fainted at his job. I was worried something like that would happen. Even I knew that human bodies could not withstand that much stress. My mother, sisters, and I raced towards the hospital. He did it to himself, and I still couldn’t understand why. He woke up ten minutes later, but the doctor didn’t let him go until late at night.…
The sky was nice and clear. It wasn’t too hot or too cold. It was perfect. It was a typical third grade day. My friends and I were in recess, goofing around, having fun. We sat on the benches and joked around. Next thing I knew my friend was on my back and I was carrying him around. Not aware of my surroundings, I tripped over a bench, closed my eyes, braced for impact, and fell face first into the dirt. I got up feeling dazed and the first thing I hear is a scream. Confused, I looked over to my friend and her face was a mixture of scared and shocked. I saw friends run to the restroom to get me paper towels, but others told me to go to the office. As I walked to the office, I began to feel pain in my lip. I walked into the office speechless.…
After hours of lying in the most uncomfortable bed in the world, no feeling in my hands, and medicine in me that made me so sick, the doctor came in with the news. He told me that I had broken my back, and more importantly that a piece of my spine had broke off was very close to my spinal cord.…
I had a neck brace around my neck and IV’s stuck all in my arms. I started to panic, I was lost, confused and scared. My best friend was there in the ambulance trying to calm me down. But still, all I could think about was the reaction of my parents when they found out what happened. Once we got to the hospital, the paramedics took me to Emergency Care. The doctors ran many tests on me: MRI’s, CAT Scans, and X-Rays, whatever test you can name – they ran on me. As I waited for my results, the doctors came in and explained to me what happened. An intoxicated driver with a gun ran the red light and hit me in a head on collision. The driver not only totaled my mother’s car but also totaled his own car too. The good thing was that he was okay. I didn’t know what to be happier about; the fact that the other driver was fine or that the accident was not my fault. Selfish right? But I’m sure if you were me at the time, you would think the same thing.…
One horrible day, about 3 or 4 years ago. I woke up and all of the feeling in my legs were gone. I tried to get out of bed but my bed is a top bunk with a desk underneath it so It was hard to get out of bed. I tried to use my legs but they were lifeless. They wouldn't move so it was all upper body strength getting down from my bed. Finally, I got down from my bed tried to walk but I couldn’t. So all I could do is yell, so I started screaming “Dad! Dad!” Then I blacked out. I woke up a while later in the car, when I asked my dad where we were going he said the doctors. I looked at the time on my phone, It was 9:30!! At this time I was living in Florida. My school started at…
Although I have had many injuries growing up, there is one that particularly changed my life for the better. The injury occurred when I was playing eighth grade football. It was August and we were scrimmaging Westfield; a very good team that had a lot of big players. The coach called me onto the field to play fullback, which means that I was probably going to carry the football. As I was running onto the field my heart started to beat a little faster. I had a bad feeling about getting the ball. I thought that I was going to get hurt because on the play prior the fullback ahead of me injured his knee on a run. Everything went well for the first few plays, but on the fifth play the coach called a fullback run. My heart was racing, at the snap of the ball I ran ahead for about an eight yard gain, but on the way down I felt a horrible pain in my right foot. I ended up going to the hospital a half an hour later, the doctor said that I had multiple fractures (6 to be exact), possibly some torn ligaments, and a dislocation of a few bones. I really did a number on myself. The doctor claimed to me that I would be out for at least 6 weeks, which is over halfway through the regular season. The doctor also highly recommended that I go see a sports injury specialist, or a foot specialist.…
March 2nd of 2011 in Charlotte NC I just receive 2 phone calls. The first one was from my lawyer in Morganton notifying me that several indictments had come through. The other was from Detective South of the Burke County Sheriff’s Office, telling me that I had no choice but to turn myself in. I remember him saying “If you run I will find you”. I thought about running from my troubles, but that isn’t a life that I wanted. The next day I took the long drive from Charlotte NC to Morganton NC knowing that I was going to jail for a long time. I turn myself in at the Magistrates office thinking that I will be showed some leniency, after all I was only 18 years old and it was the first time I had been in trouble. I thought wrong, I was given copies of my indictments and arrest warrants, given a 23,000 dollar bond and placed in Jail. I cried like I have never cried before, after all I was only a teenager going to jail with grown men.…
It all started back in 8th grade when I thought I could never get hurt or have a serious injury. It occurred when I was playing indoor soccer as I felt a pop in my knee. This left me scared and devastated lying on the court crying in pain.…
This was my favorite dance of the whole year. We had worked so hard on everything, and it was about to pay off. We had just lined up to go on stage when my shoe got untied. I quickly bent down to try to fix it. As I tried to tie it I could feel the cloth lace running through my hands. Next my hands started sweating really badly, making my shoes hard to tie. I could hear the music start as my heart started racing more and more. It was finally time to go on and I had to dance with an untied shoe. Throughout the whole dance I could feel my red fiery face. I even made every step smaller than the next to make sure I did not trip. When I heard the loud crowd, and saw the lights go down, I was so relieved. I had made it through the dance without…