Significant Lines
1. “Why, oh why, did the memory of that dead child seek me out today in the very midst of the summer that sang?”
2. “I glanced again at that astonishing splash of pink in the melancholy landscape.”
3. “I studied the silent little face. A child who had loved books, solemnity, and decorous attire.”
4. “I realized suddenly that it was a mass of wild roses. In June they open in great sheets all over Manitoba, growing from the poorest soil.”
5. “A scent I have not much liked since the long ago June when I went to that poorest of villages-to acquire, as they say, experience.”
Insightful Comments
6. Each flower/rose holds a precious memory.
7. Life is full of harsh moments. However the simple, yet precious things in life make up for the murky moments.
8. The flowers signify the hope, found in a place surrounded by darkness. ( The light at the end of the tunnel)
9. The value of a child’s memory is worth more than all the riches in the world.
10. Yolande, a rose grown from the poorest soil. A brilliant, pure, and innocent rose.
The theme of “The Dead Child” by Gabrielle Roy is about how a simple action can have a massive impact on our surroundings. In other words never underestimate the power of a simple action. In the story we are introduced to a group of Métis students, who are under privileged and are taught in poor working environments. Already we can see that these students do not have very much – money wise-. Despite their lack of necessities they were still able to give the gift of kindness, respect and love to their close friend Yolande. Their simple act of kindness not only changed their perspective on death but it also opened their hearts and allowed them to connect with their teacher throughout their moments of grief. By simply visiting Yolande before her burial helped the students cope with their misery and lift all the emotional weights from their tiny shoulders. Not only did they show others that Yolande was not