This didn’t arouse any resentment, none at all, for the villagers were not ones to ponder the unknown. Stuck in their own world, the grew up with beauty around them. From the lush green fields splattered with posies and lilacs, to the pure white tips of the mountains keeping them hostage. They only knew beauty and found themselves repulsed by anything, …show more content…
I want your cat.” The creature is breathing fast and Lily begins to process what it had just said.
“Let me get this straight... You want... Olly?” She glances down to the brown cat in her arms. “And you’ll make me less-” She does a once-over of herself. “Homely?”
“It’s a process. You give me your cat and I’ll fix one thing.” It stares at Lily while she looks at Olly hesitantly. Before she can comprehend what she is doing, she flings the cat over to the gremlin. It leaps up into the air to snatch the cat, which claws at the foul smelling creature holding on to it.
“Nice kitty.” Exclaimed the water gremlin and acts to pat the unhappy cat on the head, eliciting a sharp hiss.
“Now, make me beautiful!” Lily closes her eyes and spreads out her arms. She waits for something, but the gremlin only sighs.
“I said one thing. You’ll have to be specific and then, bada bing, bada boom, you're gorgeous.”
“Oh...” She continues to think over what she would like first and then decides with a cluck of her tongue. “What I want more than anything is to have long golden locks, the likes of which would make all the men of my village swoon and all the women praise!” She took a bunch of her mousy brown hair and scrutinized it warily. “Yes, that is what I want. Hair as golden as the sun.” She looked down at the gremlin with grim