The death penalty is a capital punishment given to those who have committed the worst of worst crimes. Some individuals believe that the death penalty is like an eye for an eye; if one kills they should be killed. However, others look at the bigger picture, which is how we are supposed to decrease the amount of people who commit crimes like murder, if the only punishment we have to offer is to kill them.
Seems a bit hypocritical. There have also been cases in which innocent people have been put on death row. Lastly, our government is basing whether or not these individuals are put to death by the color of their skin not the severity of the crime they committed. It is evident that our government should not have this punishment in place if they are unaware how important it is to take the lives of these individuals seriously; which is why the death penalty should be illegal in all states.
Throughout the history of the death penalty, there have been more than a few occasions in which people have been killed, but have later been proven innocent. It is very apparent that the government can care less who is being put on death row. According to the Death Penalty Information
Center, “Since 1973, over 140 people have been released from death row with evidence of their innocence.” This statistic shows an estimated amount of those individuals who almost got their life taken for a crime that they did not commit. This is clearly not a problem to our government because they are the ones who are committing the murder. How would you feel if it was one your family members killed or was about to be and later proven innocent? That same feeling should be felt whether or not you are directly affected. There are families that are on the verge of losing or have already lost one of their loved ones to the careless decisions of our government.
There have been many cases in which individuals who were put on death row and