Alex Maldwin
Winneconne High School
AP English Language and Composition
April 5, 2013
This paper explores disadvantages of detrimental killing and capturing of marine animals. It also discusses ways to stop and decrease the killing and capturing of marine animals and the effects on marine species from keeping them in captivity for people’s entertainment. The disadvantages of killing and capturing marine animals range from the wasting of meat simply because there is not a market for it in the whaling countries (Japan, Norway, and Iceland), to the fact that it is causing many species of whales to the verge of extinction. There is an organization called the Sea Shepherd that hunts down the Japanese whale hunting fleet. The Sea Shepherd’s crew has developed tactics and uses sheer force to stop the Japanese from whaling over their quota of whales. The paper discusses how companies go about capturing marine animals for public display, and goes over how they make money on this business and how much money they make.
The Detrimental Effect of Killing and Capturing Marine Animals
Commercial whaling is an operation that is happening every year and slowly endangering many of the whales into extinction. Many of us do not know about the effect of the commercial whaling industry and what is really happening during this unnecessary operation. Whales are being killed for so called research operations in countries such as Norway, Iceland, and mainly Japan. They claim to be using the whales for advancing research, but it has been proven that the meat is being sold in markets in these countries and being wasted every year. Why do these countries keep whaling? We do not really know. The goal of this paper is to present information on the effects and disadvantages of commercial whaling, ways to stop and decrease commercial whaling and the number of whales being killed, and the effects of the
References: Barns, G. (2012, November 12). Solutions lost in spray. SIRS Issues Researchers. p. 14. Retrieved on February 23, 2013, from id=SWI1216H-0-8956&type=ART&artno=0000346465&key=&shfilter=U Barringer, F. (2012, October 9). Opposition as aquarium seeks import of whales. The New York Times. Retrieved on February 22, 2013, from Eilperin, J whales. SIRS Issues Researchers. Retrieved February 23, 2013, from Greenpeace (2007, October 9) | Greenpeace International. Retrieved February 22, 2013, from The Humane Society of the United States in captivity in the 21st century? : The Humane Society of the United States . The *Humane Society of the United States : The Humane Society of the United States . Retrieved February 26, 2013, from Keim, B . Retrieved February 23, 2013, from Kestin, S Show. SIRS Issues Researchers . Retrieved February 22, 2013, from Sea Shepherd Retrieved February 23, 2013, from Sea Shepherd