Ques.) When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Ans.) Right f rom the birth of human species on this planet, an era of conscious evolution has started. It literally means that we human beings never settle f or the under-developed things in any f ield. We always keep on reinventing things to experience our lif e in the most possible ecstasies of materialism. Having said this, it is the T ECHNOLOGY that has reshaped our way of daily living. However, this same thing has created some conf lict with the traditional methods that we used to live within the past. Frankly speaking, traditional lif estyles signif y a sense of pride by reminding people about how their f oref athers had possessed, utilized and lived by their surrounding environments. T heref ore, the extinction of such a thing is the ef f ect of cultural assimilation and not intervention of advanced technology. According to me, the degree of persistence of traditional living is proportional to the strong commitment of the value, belief s and lif estyle by its related people. If this sustains to a very great extent, then Internet can provide a means f or artistically portraying their lif estyles globally. In this way, technology encourages traditional lif estyles. Moreover, despite of the contemporary machinery approaches to several traditional industries, traditional skills will always be honored. A good example would be the acoustic guitar processing industry. T housands of guitars are being produced everyday by machines, but the high-priced ones, which need to be genuinely excellent, have to be made by skilled guitar makers. “All the art of living lies in a f ine mingling of letting go and holding on.” Vivid seasonal public f airs and exhibitions must be encouraged by government to make
Ques.) When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Ans.) Right f rom the birth of human species on this planet, an era of conscious evolution has started. It literally means that we human beings never settle f or the under-developed things in any f ield. We always keep on reinventing things to experience our lif e in the most possible ecstasies of materialism. Having said this, it is the T ECHNOLOGY that has reshaped our way of daily living. However, this same thing has created some conf lict with the traditional methods that we used to live within the past. Frankly speaking, traditional lif estyles signif y a sense of pride by reminding people about how their f oref athers had possessed, utilized and lived by their surrounding environments. T heref ore, the extinction of such a thing is the ef f ect of cultural assimilation and not intervention of advanced technology. According to me, the degree of persistence of traditional living is proportional to the strong commitment of the value, belief s and lif estyle by its related people. If this sustains to a very great extent, then Internet can provide a means f or artistically portraying their lif estyles globally. In this way, technology encourages traditional lif estyles. Moreover, despite of the contemporary machinery approaches to several traditional industries, traditional skills will always be honored. A good example would be the acoustic guitar processing industry. T housands of guitars are being produced everyday by machines, but the high-priced ones, which need to be genuinely excellent, have to be made by skilled guitar makers. “All the art of living lies in a f ine mingling of letting go and holding on.” Vivid seasonal public f airs and exhibitions must be encouraged by government to make