Competency Differences Between ADN and BSN Nurses
Hopelyn Heron grand canyon university
Professional Dynamics
Tracy Chesney
October 04, 2012
Competency Differences between ADN and BSN Nurses
Understanding the differences between a BSN nurse and an ADN nurse start with the knowledge of what each represents. A BSN present a Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing. An ADN is an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. Both degrees nurses are qualify to take the same licensing exam, and enroll in the same nursing principles of nursing, but the baccalaureate degree nurse extend upon those principles to obtain a higher level of learning in order to provide a higher standard of nursing care.
There are several differences in the competency levels of these two degree programs. Some of the differences that distinguish an ADN nurse from a BSN nurse include but is not limited to the following: curriculum, education and patient care.
An ADN program is obtain in a community college and has a reduce tuition rate and a shortened program time of two years. The program is more condensed. It is also more tasks oriented and focuses more on the clinical skills. It does not have the theory and science behind nursing as a profession. The BSN program is a four year program that is obtained in universities and colleges. In this program there are more researches, theories and knowledge base. It also focuses on the entire field of nursing. The BSN program exposes the nurses to other areas such as human diversity, health promotion, ethical, legal, political and social influences.
According to Dr. Christopher and colleagues in Health Services Research (2008). Nursing education level has significantly associated with patient outcomes. Nurses that are prepared at the baccalaureate level have a lower mortality rate than nurses that are prepared at the ADN level. A nurse workforce in which a higher
References: www.aacn.ncheEedu/education/pdf/TricouncilEdStatement.pdf hhtp:// Health Services Research in August 2008