The Difficult Decision is when you were Confused between two things that will change your life. And you can’t decide you Decision in one day, you most take a lot of time to Decision what it is good to you. Some times the Person Keep thinking for months to decide the best choice for him.
And the difficult decision for me was when my father let me decide between studding here in Saudi Arabia Specifically in KFU or in The United States of America. That was a hard decision for me because this decision will determine my future. That decision made me think for three months, and that is very long time to decide.
Every decision has positives and negatives, there are a lot of positives in studding in Saudi Arabia some of these you will be in between your family and your friends. And you will live in your family house so you don’t have to pay the rent or pay for your food that will make you use less money. And the negatives in that, you can’t take your freedom to enter and get out of your home and ensure, you can’t do what you want there is always rules.
And the positives in studding in America are a lot some of these you can be freedom to do any thing no one will be say anything to you there. And you will be responsible for yourself there. And the negatives in that, you can’t see your family and your friends for months. And you will miss to your country. After three months of thinking I decide to stay in Saudi Arabia.