Maintenance of Good Order
The Difficult Employee
Elinda Lopez
Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice CJ345
Professor Victor Arnold
04 October 2010
Maintenance of Good Order 2
Maintenance of Good Order 0f The Difficult Employee Dealing with a problem employee the correct way is critical to an organization. If an employee is causing problems, it is up to the supervisor to take proper action in disciplining the uncooperative or problem employee. If proper action is not taken to discipline the employee, problems will occur in the work place. In this specific scenario, Officer Smith is a respected officer who is one to the top productive officers. One day, during a shift, Officer Smith had a negative attitude toward new policy changes and directives presented to him or the group. He had a very sarcastic tone. That was when the evening Sergeant brought disciplinary charges against Officer Smith and had him suspended. After that Officer Smith 's work performance began to decline and the other officer 's lost respect for the Sergeant and began ignoring him. In this scenario, I will evaluate the role of the Evening Sergeant in the maintenance of good order in his department.
It is important that maintenance of good order is kept to ensure that any crew, organization, or team is running and working smoothly without much conflict. In this situation, the evening Sergeant took heavy disciplinary actions toward Officer Smith for his behavior and sarcastic tone. Officer Smith received suspension as punishment. The Evening Sergeant 's response, in my opinion was very much appropriate but not for Officer Smith. I believe that Officer Smith 's status in the department should have also been factored into his punishment, especially since this behavior is not usual or continuous from Officer Smith. If this had been something that he had been warned about or something he 's done in the past, then it
References: More, Harry W., and Larry S. Miller. Effective Police Supervision. [Cincinnati, OH]: Anderson, 2007. Print.