
The Dilemmas Of President John Adams

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The Dilemmas Of President John Adams
The first dilemma conveys about how President John Adams solves the problem of how to protect American ships from French and British attacks. The attacks first started when France found out that America was making the Jay treaty with Britain. France though of this as America breaking their alliance and trying to make peace with France’s enemy. Since America was a new country and pretty weak it was easy for Britain and France to take advantage of them and impress their sailors. This is similar to how the new kid at school is usually picked on and taken advantage of since they probably moved here from somewhere else and are kind of like an outsider.

The second dilemma projects how President Thomas Jefferson would deal with pirates. When American merchant ships sail through the Mediterranean Sea, most of the time they would run into pirates from Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. These pirates would seize American ships and sell their crews as ransom. The Pirates would stop the attacks on the United States if they paid tribute to the leaders of the Barbary Coast. It was either pay tribute or go to war. Jefferson hated war especially because the U.S. wasn’t very strong at the time, but he also hated paying tribute. The United States
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In attempts to stop the attacks on American merchant ships Madison proposed a deal with Britain and France.The deal was that if the country would stop attacking American ships, America would stop trading with the country’s enemy. Napoleon (France's new leader) agreed to the deal, but the British didn’t. The British would still seize American merchants and impress them. This is similar to the 276 Chibok, Nigerian girls who were kidnapped by the Boko Haram and forced to be suicide bombers. During these two terrifying times in history, the innocent victims of the weaker force were kidnapped and forced to do whatever the kidnapper

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