Unless…what if what happened wasn’t real? What if when he woke up, it was all in his mind, but instead of living in a paradise he was sent in a nightmarish dream and all it took to get him out of this world was the death of his friend. He needed to get out of that ship and now, before the Dominators would realize he was up. How long did he had 'til the room would be filled with Aliens? How long had he been out? There’s no way he’s been out for 5 months. Unless it has…?
The one thing similar from the last time he woke up …show more content…
''All and everyone you cared about is gone.''
''You’re wrong.'' Growled Barry, wanting to hear none of this. ''I stopped your plan.'' Gaining electricity in his arm he punched his enemy as hard as possible on the head, knocking it down before the voice could reach his head once again, the creature was just trying to play with his mind.
Now, it was time to found a way back to where he belonged, with his friends and family, he was coming back to fix everything. Sprinting out of the room, he started looking for his way back to the control room, hoping to somehow found a way to turn the ship back to Earth. Something was off, there wasn’t enough aliens in the hallway, where were they? What made the speedster finally stop in his run wasn’t him reaching his goal, it was when he found himself next the first window he came across in this ship.
''Oh my…'' Frozen in shock, Barry couldn’t finish his sentence, as he looked outside, sure of two things. First observation being that they never even left Earth, they’ve been cloaked the whole time. And the second…