I have often called the soldiers my fellow friends and have invited them to Macbeth’s crowning as I cursed him and his wife. Macbeth’s hidden ambition, over-confidence and his obsession with power caused a major downfall and destruction. All of this leads to him isolating himself and his wife committing suicide.
After the death of Macbeth,
there was restoration to stability when I was crowned King of Scotland. For a short period of time, after the death of Macbeth, his stepson, Lulach briefly served as king and then his older half brother, Duncan also served as king for a short period of time. Both brothers gave the royal house and hard time for many generations after.
Lastly, after all of this reign of terror caused by Macbeth and his 2 stepsons, I had a rough road ahead of me to restore stability within the country. There was so much havoc caused during those years, it would take me some time to heal the brokenness of the country. I must show the love and loyalty to the people to restore the faith back that has been lost prior to being crowned king.