The effect automatic processing has in decision making that is underneath the conscious; using colour identification task from the Stroop effect.
The experiment is using 20 participants and is employing a within-participant design. The experiment will consist of two condition, one that is consistent with the Stoop effect, using colour related words, and condition 2 consisting of neutral coloured words. The experiment will indicate whether the participant’s response has been affected by a conflict of difference. The phenomena known as ‘The Stroop Effect’ theorize that automatic process interfere with controlled process. The results of the experiment show a significant difference in response time of the colour words than the colour neutral words, the results support Stroops theory.
Attention is a cognitive process that selects sensory information and processes it, however due to infinite information being available how do we process it all. A study conducted by Simons and Levin (as citied in Edgar, 2007) named ‘change blindness’, is an experiment set up to show how people’s cognitive process can overlook something as obvious as personal identity in present demand.
Kahnemen (as citied in Edgar, 2007) theory of attention is described as a ‘mental effort’ and that life demands are sensed and allocated accordingly to where the memory is already held in the brain. Reason for only limited resources being process is due to theory that we have a ‘Limited-capacity central processor’, he believes task that are learnt, for example reading, require less metal effort and become automatic process rather than control process.
However, Broadbent (as citied in Edgar, 2007) theories of attention is that most incoming sensory is not a conscious level, and that there is an early filter in our system, which he describes as a ‘Bottleneck’, this allows only one task to be attended to at a time. He experiment to prove this theory was