Zinn chapter 9 talks about slavery before and after the Civil War, it describes the United States Government’s support of slavery until Abraham Lincoln’s approach to end Slavery. It mentions how the slaves were kept into slavery by whipping, religion, separating families and even killing. There were many failed attempts to abolish slavery prior to the Civil War, including the rebellion launched by John Brown, which he was overall hanged for. John Brown was executed by the state of Virginia with the approval of the national government due to his failed plan to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and then set off a revolt of slaves through the South. The US Government would not accept an end to slavery by rebellion, but only under conditions controlled by whites, and only when required by political and economic needs of the North. It was Abraham Lincoln who was able complete this by bringing together the interests of the rich and interests of the blacks. After Lincoln was elected there was a long series of policy clashes between the South and North. The clash was due to the South viewing Lincoln and the Republicans as a threat to their pleasant and prosperous way of life. So when Lincoln was elected ultimately 11 states seceded from the Union. The Confederacy which began the Civil War but in an effort to end the war, in September 1862, Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. This was a military move, giving the South 4 months to stop rebelling or else their slaves would be emancipated, if they followed, slavery would be untouched in the states that came over to the North. The Proclamation also opened up the Union army to the blacks. This was later issued January 1, 1863, encouraging antislavery forces. Later in April 1864 Senate had adopted the Thirteenth Amendment,…