
The Effects Of Dementia

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Nausea, Insomnia, Tremors, Dizziness and Fatigue are some of the common side effects that medications come about with. One may discern while staring at medication bottle: is it pure irony that I will feel worse with something that should better my health? We are all seeking a sort of relief from our pains, but what to do at instances where medication alone is not enough? Health problems in totality are a hassle, however, due to the increment of people diagnosed with mental illnesses throughout the years it is important to analyze if these patients are being prescribed properly. Psychiatric prescribed drugs are beneficial to the mental ill to a certain extent, however, the long term support of these medications intensifies mental conditions …show more content…

Dementia affects more than five million Americans. This illness affects the brain in totality, as we age it our brain begins to deteriorate. Our brain works like a network, nerve cells are designed to make contact with other nerve cells through dendrites, thus, creating a network. This is how messages are passed throughout the whole brain. Dementia occurs when there is an obstruction of plaque and tangles in the brain. Key protein’s that are affected by dementia are called: Amyloid and Tau. Amyloid is produced when the Amyloid precursor protein is degraded, in healthy cells Amyloid is removed, however during Alzheimer’s disease (type of Dementia) Amyloid is accumulated outside of the cells making plaque. Scientists think that Amyloid is toxic to cells. Another structure responsible for Dementia is called Tau. Tau transports nutrients among the cell. However, during dementia, Tau produces much more proteins causing tangles throughout the cell and disrupting all nutrient formation and transport, basically strangling the cell. There is no known cure for any type of dementia, medication prescribed to patients do not stop the progressive nature of dementia. If medications like Exelon, Aricept, Reminyl won’t cure the patient why should caregivers keep on prescribing drugs that won’t help the patient at all. The American Geriatrics Society, states that “It is not clear how long these medications will work.” It is a very scary fact to know that what one may be taking won’t be for better, disregarding the brain’s intricate mechanisms more research should be done in regards to medicine prescriptions to mental ill patients. The cognitive processes can puzzling, however, with proper study mechanisms and more study perhaps in the future “safer” medications can be prescribed to

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