The author gives us a glance of this when Amir reads about the harassment of, and attempted uprising of the Hazara, and how Amir’s people, the Pashtuns had: “…quelled them with unspeakable violence”. The disregard that people have for the Hazara is reinforced when Amir asks his teacher about what he has read and he responds by saying, “That’s one thing Shi’a people do well, passing themselves as martyrs”. Assef shows how internalized this hostility is when he says to Amir and Hassan, “Afghanistan is the land of the Pashtuns. It always has been, always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-Nose here”. Assef’s later rape of Hassan shows the depth of this hatred.
Both Hassan and his father Ali accept their position without question, and while they may feel pain when they are personally insulted, neither questions his lot in life. It was acceptable for Baba to have sexual relations with Ali’s Hazara wife Sanaubar, and Ali doesn’t question or condemn Baba’s actions, is an indication of this internalization of lesser status. Instead Ali becomes the loving father of his master’s