Kerianne Boss
Argosy University
The mass media governs the information on what women see and so they can affect the female’s self-image ideals. The mass media is a significant society of socialization; whereas the individual thinks they discover their own individuality, thoughts and emotions that help them contribute in society. However, the mass media is just another public resource to females that will not only confuse their identity, but can cause emotional harm when referencing self-image.
Consequent to reading most of the contextual studies completed, I have hypothesized that the mass media does have a negative effect on the “ideal body image” of young females. What is even more assumed is the total amount of females that develop eating disorders (from several methods of mass media) are growing higher in reaction to what they do observe visually.
When I first started this research project, I became fascinated with finding information as to whether the mass media affects females when it comes to body dissatisfaction. However, I have recently stumbled upon more and more research that is also including parental factors as well as the mass media that can have detrimental side effects to young as well as older females. I would like to change my previous hypothesis that stated, “The mass media has a very profound effect on the body image of young females” and include parental factors. Therefore, I hypothesize that both parental factors and the mass media has led young females to further their body dissatisfaction and sometimes even leading to eating disorders.
Literature Review
In the two-part study, the Body Parts Satisfaction Scale, and a body image attitudes measure, broke down the participants into race; 66.7% White American, 17.6% African American, 6.3% Mexican American, 5% Asian American, 0.6% Native American, and 3.8% unreported (Petrie, Tripp &
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