Historical Overview
1- How many years did Ellis Island operate as the principal federal immigration station in the US?
60 years closed in 1954
2- What percentage of immigrants were turned away at Ellis Island?
40 percent
Registry Room
3- In 24 hours, how many people could file through the registry room?
5000 to 10000 a day
4- If you visited Ellis Island today, what time period would it resemble? it would resemble like 1920s because it is in a restored museum
The Journey
5- What were the 3 main reasons people left their homelands?
Religious persecution, famine, war
6- What areas of Europe were most immigrants arriving from?
Italy, Germany, Britain, Scandinavian countries as well as Ireland
7- What type of passengers had to take the ferry to Ellis Island for inspection?
Third class or steerage immigrants
8- What was the job of the inspectors on Ellis Island?
To check for legal and medical things to see if their fit to enter the U.S
9- How long did most immigrants spend on Ellis Island?
80 percent got in in a matter of couple hours some had to be detained for days or weeks
10- What was the peak period of immigration? from 1900-1914 was the peak
11- How were 1st and 2nd class passengers treated differently than steerage passengers?
Had possessions on barges to take them to Ellis island
12- Where did some immigrants keep their health certificate?
Between their teeth
Medical Testing
13- What did each of the following symbols mean? (Choose three)
X B C CT E F FT G H K N L P PG SC S x-suspected mental defect
14- How long did US Public Health Service doctors have to scan each immigrant?
6 seconds
15- If you received a chalk mark, where were you sent?
Special examination room
16- What usually happened to immigrants who had trachoma?
Isolated and sent back at first sight
Mental Testing
17-Out of every 100 immigrants, how many would be held