the emperor that the suit is looking “beautiful” and act like they can see the suit. This is showing how the workers are just trying to look fit for their job and are scared to lose it. The workers are trying to look worthy of their position.
As the suit is finished and the emperor “sees” it he also lies to the others and to himself.
Even tho he is making a fool of himself he does not say that he can not see it. The emperor chooses to not respect himself and lose his dignity in order to look fit to the other workers.
As the emperor goes out to show of his “suit” his people say to each other how the suit is beautiful and how it is so colorful and awesome. The people want to fit in and prove themselves worthy. Later a child states “The emperor is naked.” As soon as that child said that the people most likely felt relieved. This shows how the children often tell the truth.
In this novel the author shows the reader how sometimes the people care too much about what others say about them and they do not care about what they have to lose in order to look good in the eyes of others. In this novel the emperor lost his dignity and disrespected himself by going out with nothing on. The emperor cared too much and so did the workers because they lied to their emperor. The worker also lost some self esteem because they thought that they were not worthy of their position when they saw
This novel shows us that the author wants to show that children tell the truth and can make important claims in life. In this novel the child has proven that all the emperor’s workers were not worthy because they were not brave enough to tell the emperor that there was nothing there. The emperor’s workers let their emperor make a fool of himself.
The author wants to show the reader that children sometimes do not understand that what they are stating is so true that it makes people realize that they are just lying to themselves and to others. The author shows the innocence of a child that states things without thinking about what they are saying.
The author’s perspective is that sometimes people can be fake and can make big mistakes. Those mistakes can make people look very bad. The children can often point out those mistakes and give the adults some type of reality check. The author also is making a child state the truth because it makes the reality seem less harsh. It gives the reader something to laugh about but at the same time it gives the reader something to think of.
In conclusion the author wants to show the reader that the innocent children can sometimes state something that has a bigger meaning and is important to hear to them. The characters in the novel show some different things that can be lost for lying and trying to fit in and look good in front of each other. The authors perspective is that some people lose things in order to look good in front of others. In this novel the emperor lost his respect and dignity. The workers lost their self esteem and also lost their dignity in a way also.