In an instance where she approaches an emperor following battle, she encounters specific sayings by the mouth of the emperor to which the reader is left in understanding Kingston’s loathing the feminine degrading, where the emperor declares, “Girls are maggots in the rice”…”It is more profitable to raise geese than daughters” (43). In this situation offense is easily noted to have been taken of Kingston, even more in a personal manner, as imparted by Kingston with these words, “He quoted to me the sayings I hated” (43). Not only did the narrator want to convey her disapproval with the negative view of the female presence though her personal ordeals, but also with the exposing of what what she knew other women may have met with. At the start of the novel, Kingston tells of an aunt of whom succumbed to a disowning by her family because of an pregnancy. The telling of this event not only seeks to reveal the hardship due to the aunt during that period of time, but also to subtlety introduce to readers how Kingston felt about injustice towards women, where she writes, “The other man was not, after all, much different from her husband. The both gave orders: she followed. “If you tell your family, I’ll beat you. I’ll kill you…” (7). Here it is seen what Kingston’s aunt may have possibly faced, but more so, following the observation, Kingston’s objection to that possible act, where she writes, “I want her fear to have lasted just as long as rape lasted so that the fear could have been contained. No drawn-out fear.” (7). In each expression of grief concerning the aspect of viewing, and treating women to a lower standard of perspective, Kingston effectively through the novel a portion dedicated to the awareness of the maltreatment of
In an instance where she approaches an emperor following battle, she encounters specific sayings by the mouth of the emperor to which the reader is left in understanding Kingston’s loathing the feminine degrading, where the emperor declares, “Girls are maggots in the rice”…”It is more profitable to raise geese than daughters” (43). In this situation offense is easily noted to have been taken of Kingston, even more in a personal manner, as imparted by Kingston with these words, “He quoted to me the sayings I hated” (43). Not only did the narrator want to convey her disapproval with the negative view of the female presence though her personal ordeals, but also with the exposing of what what she knew other women may have met with. At the start of the novel, Kingston tells of an aunt of whom succumbed to a disowning by her family because of an pregnancy. The telling of this event not only seeks to reveal the hardship due to the aunt during that period of time, but also to subtlety introduce to readers how Kingston felt about injustice towards women, where she writes, “The other man was not, after all, much different from her husband. The both gave orders: she followed. “If you tell your family, I’ll beat you. I’ll kill you…” (7). Here it is seen what Kingston’s aunt may have possibly faced, but more so, following the observation, Kingston’s objection to that possible act, where she writes, “I want her fear to have lasted just as long as rape lasted so that the fear could have been contained. No drawn-out fear.” (7). In each expression of grief concerning the aspect of viewing, and treating women to a lower standard of perspective, Kingston effectively through the novel a portion dedicated to the awareness of the maltreatment of