The Epic Of Gilgamesh What It Means To Be Human
The Epic of Gilgamesh presents a fascinating interpretation on what means to be human, and informs us a great deal about how the ancient Mesopotamians saw themselves in relation to a seemingly chaotic natural order. An initial reading of the Sumerian epic presents a bleak and confusing outlook on the events of the story, was the story of Gilgamesh irrelevant? While his quest for immortality was ultimately in vain, and he would have to concede the uncomfortable fact of his own mortality, this is not the entire truth of the text. The story of Gilgamesh presents a much more optimistic view on humanity then this superficial interpretation; death is an inevitable part of all human existence, yet similar to Gilgamesh, we can all attain something meaningful with the time allotted to us. Gilgamesh learns this universal of the human connection through his relationship with Enkidu; their friendship is a source of joy for Gilgamesh, a relationship which enables him to accomplish great things and create a lasting legacy. The Epic of Gilgamesh serves as reminder, not only to the ancients to whom recited the tale but to the modern reader, that while we are destined to perish, what we do with what little time we have should define us, not the fear of the inevitable, thus the epic depicts human life as a thing of consequence, an end in itself.
The Epic of Gilgamesh represents a monumental break from traditional Mesopotamian belief. Human life as characterized in the Enuma Elis creation myth, presents a rather bleak outlook on the natural order, and Man’s place within it. Tablet VI of the myth describes Ea fashioning mankind out of the blood of the defeated Kingu, freeing the Anunnaki from toil, man was intended to serve the gods,” After Ea, the wise, had created mankind, he imposed upon them the service of the gods.”1 Thus, the ancient Sumerians perceived themselves as tools for their gods; a means to an end, not an end in themselves. Yet, the epic portrays human life as
Bibliography: Bratcher, Dennis. 2013.”Enuma Elish: When on High…’The Mesopotamian/Babylonian Creation Myth.”
Sandars, N. K. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Harmondsworth: Penguin.1972.
Essay Topic :6
The Epic of Gilgamesh And What It Means To Be Human
Dr. Lawrence Bruce-Robertson
Dylan Wight
February 9, 2015