Professor Droegkamp
Humanities Cluster
January 10, 2011
The Essence of Human Nature - Journal Two
After reading Lau Tsu's "Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching", and "The Analects" of Confucious, I realized that my philosophy of human nature fell closely in line with the philosophies both men lived by. As Confucious stated, "To respect parents and elders is the root of humanity." Whether on a personal level, professional level, political level, or in any other facet of daily living, the respect provided to any individual lays the foundation of their actions, reactions and views. When you look at all that is going on in the world today, it seems to me that respect is one of the things that is lacking. We hear on the news or read in the newspapers of violence consuming the nation. The premise behind all of this is the lack of respect each individual gives to one another, as well as receives in return. Confucious said it best when he stated, "At home, a young man must respect his parents; abroad, he must respect his elders. He should talk little, but with good faith; love all people, but associate with the virtuous. Having done this, if he sill has energy to spare, let him study literature." However, instead of people affording respect to one another, they tend to push their ideologies and beliefs on everyone. Those who are like them or agree with them are accepted and left alone, while those are not or do not are victims of oppression, anguish and strife. Lao-Tzu made several references specifically to the governments in having a laissez faire approach in leading it's people. One specific statement he made that really fascinated me was, "When taxes are too high, people go hungry. When the government is too intrusive, people lose their spirit. Act for the people's benefit. Trust them; leave them alone." In today's age, too many people spend far too much time meddling in the affairs of others. We do not seem to embrace the art