Bibliography: Altenbaugh. Richard. The Teacher 's Voice: A Social History Of Teaching In 20th Century America. London: The Flamer Press, 1992. Bailyn. Bernard. Education in the Forming of American Society: Needs and Opportunities for Study. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1972. Benson, Lee Berube, Maurice R. American School Reform: Progressive, Equity, and Excellence Movements, 1883-1993. Connecticut: Praeger, 1994. Book, William Frederick Bowers, C.A. “The Ideologies of Progressive Education.” History of Education Quarterly 7, no. 4 (1967): 452-473. Christenson, Sandra. Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. New York: Springer, 1946. Cohen, Sol. “The History of American Education, 1900-1976: The Uses of the Past.” Harvard Educational Review 46, no. 3 (1976): 298-330. http://www. Coleman, James Samuel Cremin, Lawrence. The Transformation of the School: Progressivism in American Education. New York: Knopf, 1961. Cremin, Lawrence Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson. Changing Conceptions of Education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. Dewey, John. The School and Society; Being Three Lectures. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1899. Dewey, John. The Child and the Curriculum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1902. Dewey, John. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York: Macmillan, 1916. Graham, Patricia. Progressive Education from Arcady to Academe: a History of the Progressive Education Association, 1919-1955. Teachers College, 1967. Generals, Donald. “Booker T. Washington and Progressive Education: An Experimentalist Approach to Curriculum Development and Reform.” The Journal of Negro Education 69, no. 3 (2000): 215-234. Hinsdale, B. A. The Art of Study; A Manual for Teachers and Students of the Science and the Art of Teaching. New York, Cincinnati [etc.]: American Book Co., 1900. Hogan, David. “Education and the Making of the Chicago Working Class, 1880-1930.” History of Education Quarterly 18, no. 3 (1978): 227-270. Jones, Olive M., and Eleanor Gertrude Leary. Teaching Children to Study; The Group System Applied. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1909. Katz, Michael B. “The Origins of Public Education: A Reassessment.” History of Education Quarterly 16, no. 4 (1976): 381-407. Kendall, Calvin Noyes, and George A. Mirick. How to Teach the Fundamental Subjects. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915. King, Irving. Social Aspects of Education, A Book of Sources and Original Discussions with Annotated Bibliographies. New York: Macmillan Co., 1912. Kosnoski, Jason. “Artful Discussion: John Dewey 's Classroom as a Model of Deliberative Association.” Political Theory 33, no. 5 (2005): 654-677. Lesch, Lyn Long, Robert Emmet. The State of U.S. education. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1991. Moran, Gabriel. Speaking of Teaching: Lessons from History. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2008. Noll, James Wm. Taking Sides. Clashing Views on Educational Issues. Iowa: McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series, 2007. Paris, David C. Ideology and Educational Reform: Themes and Theories in Public Education. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. Preuss, Gene B. To get a Better School System: One Hundred Years of Education Reform in Texas. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2009. Reef, Catherine. Education and Learning in America. New York: Facts on File, 2009. Reese, William J Progressive Era. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. Reese, William. "The Origins of Progressive Education." History of Education Quarterly 41, no. 1 (2001): 1-24. Robbins, Charles L. The School as a Social Institution; An Introduction to the Study of Social Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1918. Robbins, Charles L. The Socialized Recitation. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1920. Rogers, Daniel. T. "In Search of Progressivism." Reviews in American History 10, no. 4 (1982): 113–132. Urban, Wayne J. American education: a History. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Urban, Wayne. “Organized Teachers and Educational Reform during the Progressive Era: 1890-1920.” History of Education Quarterly 16, no. 1 (1976): 35-52. Vinovskis, Maris Wagner, Tony. The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even our Best Schools don 't Teach the New Survival Skills our Children Need--and what we can do about it. New York: Basic Books, 2010. Westbrook, Robert B. John Dewey and American Democracy. New York: Cornell University Press, 1991. Wiggins, Grant P Wood, George H. Schools that Work: America 's most Innovative Public Education Programs. New York: Dutton, 1992. Young & Rubicam Foundation. The One Place: a New Role for American Schools. New York: St. Martin 's Press, 1991. [ 1 ]. William J. Reese, "The Origins of Progressive Education." History of Education Quarterly 41, no. 1 (2001): 2, (accessed October 8, 2012). [ 2 ]. Irving King, Social Aspects of Education, A Book of Sources and Original Discussions with Annotated Bibliographies (New York: Macmillan Co., 1912), 4. [ 4 ]. Charles L. Robbins, The School as a Social Institution; An Introduction to the Study of Social Education (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1918), 122. [ 5 ]. Jeffery E. Mirel, Patriotic Pluralism: Americanization Education and European Immigrants (Harvard University Press, 2010), 48. [ 8 ]. Robbins, The School as a Social Institution; An Introduction to the Study of Social Education, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1918), 32.
Bibliography: Altenbaugh. Richard. The Teacher 's Voice: A Social History Of Teaching In 20th Century America. London: The Flamer Press, 1992. Bailyn. Bernard. Education in the Forming of American Society: Needs and Opportunities for Study. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1972. Benson, Lee Berube, Maurice R. American School Reform: Progressive, Equity, and Excellence Movements, 1883-1993. Connecticut: Praeger, 1994. Book, William Frederick Bowers, C.A. “The Ideologies of Progressive Education.” History of Education Quarterly 7, no. 4 (1967): 452-473. Christenson, Sandra. Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. New York: Springer, 1946. Cohen, Sol. “The History of American Education, 1900-1976: The Uses of the Past.” Harvard Educational Review 46, no. 3 (1976): 298-330. http://www. Coleman, James Samuel Cremin, Lawrence. The Transformation of the School: Progressivism in American Education. New York: Knopf, 1961. Cremin, Lawrence Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson. Changing Conceptions of Education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. Dewey, John. The School and Society; Being Three Lectures. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1899. Dewey, John. The Child and the Curriculum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1902. Dewey, John. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York: Macmillan, 1916. Graham, Patricia. Progressive Education from Arcady to Academe: a History of the Progressive Education Association, 1919-1955. Teachers College, 1967. Generals, Donald. “Booker T. Washington and Progressive Education: An Experimentalist Approach to Curriculum Development and Reform.” The Journal of Negro Education 69, no. 3 (2000): 215-234. Hinsdale, B. A. The Art of Study; A Manual for Teachers and Students of the Science and the Art of Teaching. New York, Cincinnati [etc.]: American Book Co., 1900. Hogan, David. “Education and the Making of the Chicago Working Class, 1880-1930.” History of Education Quarterly 18, no. 3 (1978): 227-270. Jones, Olive M., and Eleanor Gertrude Leary. Teaching Children to Study; The Group System Applied. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1909. Katz, Michael B. “The Origins of Public Education: A Reassessment.” History of Education Quarterly 16, no. 4 (1976): 381-407. Kendall, Calvin Noyes, and George A. Mirick. How to Teach the Fundamental Subjects. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915. King, Irving. Social Aspects of Education, A Book of Sources and Original Discussions with Annotated Bibliographies. New York: Macmillan Co., 1912. Kosnoski, Jason. “Artful Discussion: John Dewey 's Classroom as a Model of Deliberative Association.” Political Theory 33, no. 5 (2005): 654-677. Lesch, Lyn Long, Robert Emmet. The State of U.S. education. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1991. Moran, Gabriel. Speaking of Teaching: Lessons from History. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2008. Noll, James Wm. Taking Sides. Clashing Views on Educational Issues. Iowa: McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series, 2007. Paris, David C. Ideology and Educational Reform: Themes and Theories in Public Education. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. Preuss, Gene B. To get a Better School System: One Hundred Years of Education Reform in Texas. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2009. Reef, Catherine. Education and Learning in America. New York: Facts on File, 2009. Reese, William J Progressive Era. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. Reese, William. "The Origins of Progressive Education." History of Education Quarterly 41, no. 1 (2001): 1-24. Robbins, Charles L. The School as a Social Institution; An Introduction to the Study of Social Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1918. Robbins, Charles L. The Socialized Recitation. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1920. Rogers, Daniel. T. "In Search of Progressivism." Reviews in American History 10, no. 4 (1982): 113–132. Urban, Wayne J. American education: a History. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Urban, Wayne. “Organized Teachers and Educational Reform during the Progressive Era: 1890-1920.” History of Education Quarterly 16, no. 1 (1976): 35-52. Vinovskis, Maris Wagner, Tony. The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even our Best Schools don 't Teach the New Survival Skills our Children Need--and what we can do about it. New York: Basic Books, 2010. Westbrook, Robert B. John Dewey and American Democracy. New York: Cornell University Press, 1991. Wiggins, Grant P Wood, George H. Schools that Work: America 's most Innovative Public Education Programs. New York: Dutton, 1992. Young & Rubicam Foundation. The One Place: a New Role for American Schools. New York: St. Martin 's Press, 1991. [ 1 ]. William J. Reese, "The Origins of Progressive Education." History of Education Quarterly 41, no. 1 (2001): 2, (accessed October 8, 2012). [ 2 ]. Irving King, Social Aspects of Education, A Book of Sources and Original Discussions with Annotated Bibliographies (New York: Macmillan Co., 1912), 4. [ 4 ]. Charles L. Robbins, The School as a Social Institution; An Introduction to the Study of Social Education (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1918), 122. [ 5 ]. Jeffery E. Mirel, Patriotic Pluralism: Americanization Education and European Immigrants (Harvard University Press, 2010), 48. [ 8 ]. Robbins, The School as a Social Institution; An Introduction to the Study of Social Education, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1918), 32.