By AmArdeep Udeshi, engAgement mAnAger, ims ConsUlting groUp And mohit BAhri, ConsUltAnt, ims ConsUlting groUp
Dear colleagues,
We are proud to present to you the outcome of a unique initiative jointly undertaken by OPPI and IMS Consulting Group (IMSCG). As part of the OPPI Committee on Sales Force Excellence (SFE), a decision was taken last year to understand the prevailing practices and emerging trends with respect to Sale Forces, aimed at driving SFE across the Indian Pharma industry. As part of this study, OPPI and IMS Health undertook a survey amongst key senior management personnel, wherein information was captured related to sales force structures, the principle behind their set ups and the challenges faced therein. Fourteen companies responded to this survey.What is presented here is a brief glimpse of the findings of this survey, within the context of changing sales models in the Indian pharma industry. Supporting this data are insights provided by IMS Consulting Group based on their expertise and knowledge of the industry and its changing dynamics along with inputs from other industry experts associated with OPPI. What this paper attempts to do is to showcase how sales models are being, and will continue to be, reinvented and redesigned across the Indian pharma market landscape in the years to come. We do hope you find this article and the subject as interesting as we found it to be while bringing this paper to you.
Thank you, Tapan Ray Director General OPPI Ram Kalyana Country Principal, India IMS Consulting Group
the only ConstAnt is ChAnge itself The ever changing face of the Indian pharma industry and its ability to adapt innovatively has reinforced the fact that adaptation is the only way to survive. With every passing decade, a new commercial challenge has emerged; which in-turn has provided the industry with an opportunity to ride the waves to reach newer heights. An