Students today are distracted from learning because of the crimes and violence that take place in schools. The purpose of this paper is to inform about the rate of crimes and violence that are taking place in our schools as a result of the level of security measures. It is becoming more evident as shown by the growing publicity in the media. Many incidences are not reported and occur in schools with low level or no security measures that will make them helpless in preventing and controlling crimes and violence. Schools are supposed to be a safe environment for learning and teaching to "make the world a better place" (Keizer, 2001), but with the increase of violence, students and faculty are becoming more afraid of attending school. The Existence of Discipline Problems in Schools
Schools are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of their students and employees. Schools are places where the students learn from the teachers who teach them. Miller and Chandler (2003) state that the safety of students and faculty from danger is the responsibility given to schools ' administration. The administration is responsible for producing settings that contribute to successful learning. There should be no disturbances, fears, and worries related to misdemeanors and violent behaviors for teachers and students (p. 1). Crimes and violence would distract students and teachers from learning and teaching and cause them to fear becoming involved in ways that would lead to danger towards them. Schools should be where students and faculty want to attend with no fears. Schools are "supposed to be making the world a better place" (Keizer, 2001). They are expected to be creating a better society for our children to grow healthy and attain knowledge.
Over the years, the media is becoming more interested in the violence that is taking place in public schools in the United States. There has been an increased interest of the media in misdemeanors and violent behaviors in
References: Heaviside, S., Rowand, C., Williams, C., Farris, E., Burns, S., McArthur, E., et al. (1998). Violence and discipline Problems in U.S. public schools:1996-97. National center for education statistics. Retrieved March 23, 2006 from <> Keizer, R. (2001). Why we hate teachers. Field of Readings. (pp. 578-587). Boston. Bedford/St. Martin 's. Miller, A. K., & Chandler, K. (2003). Violence is U.S. publics schools: 2000 school survey on crime and safety. National center for education statistics. Retrieved March 23, 2006 from <>