
The Exploitation Of Middle-Class Workers During The Industrial Revolution

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The Exploitation Of Middle-Class Workers During The Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution, continuing from the 18th to the 19th century, marks a significant shift in global economies and societies. It is characterised by the widespread adoption of industrial processes of manufacturing and production, particularly within the working class. The Industrial Revolution was fueled by the rapid advancement of technology, availability of resources and a shift from handcrafted goods to the use of machinery and factories. In Europe, children formed a significant proportion of the workforce in this period, working long hours in hazardous conditions for insufficient pay. As urbanization took place, it outpaced the vacant housing and job opportunities leaving many on the streets or in overcrowded slums that caused poor living and health conditions. middle-class people started to struggle not to have to reside in these sorts of places, which meant they put their kids to work and lived in unsanitary and grueling circumstances. Despite the benefits that came from these new technologies and efficient manufacturing processes, the Industrial Revolution had numerous adverse impacts on working class people as evidenced by the exploitation of …show more content…
Additionally, urbanization led to increased living expenses, pressuring countless families to rely on their children's earnings to survive. Child labor became common during this era, with working-class families frequently sending their children to work in factories or mines with an average of eight and a half years old in more industrialized regions where cramped spaces required smaller bodies to navigate effectively. Schooling was a privilege, meaning a large portion of children during the industrial age did not have basic literacy or numeracy skills, adding to the cycle of poverty and limited

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