
What Was The Working Condition During The Industrial Revolution

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What Was The Working Condition During The Industrial Revolution
In the Industrial Revolution many children suffered. The parents sold their children to the factories. Many children would get sick because they didn’t have any kind of medication. Children will only live up to a young age because of the bad conditions in the factories. Also because of how they were living. Children at young ages will start working. During the industrial Revolution children had terrible living conditions, they worked many hours, and they had terrible health conditions. The living conditions were very horrible. They were unable to take showers since they didn’t have water. They would have five to nine people living in a house, the size of an apartment. Diseases spread quickly because of the lack of medicine. “At the time, …show more content…
As factories were being built, they were in need of workers. Children would work fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week. Children would be working for ten cents an hour. Children would be used simpler unskilled jobs. “Many children had physical deformities because of the lack of exercise and sunlight”(Ankur Poddar). Children were useful as laborers because their size allowed them to move in small spaces in factories or mines. Children had terrible health because they didn’t have medicine. Children will get bad diseases from the people that they live with. When they are working in the factories, all of the bad air that the machines make they breath in. Breathing in all that bad air can cause lung problems for the children. The employer's forced young workers into dangerous labor-intensive jobs that caused "severe and permanent physical, psychological, intellectual, and social damage"(Jennifer Wagner). Children would die of starvation. Children did not get enough rest because they were working six days a week sixteen hours. They had terrible living conditions because they would live in a house with people that they don't know. There would be five to nine people living in a house the size of an

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