For example, even though they are able to remember information of how a day went for a considerably longer time after that day than average memory people they still, much like us, are not able to have a memory like precise video or audio recorders. Like I also said before, their memory becomes very broad through distinct associations with events and their spatial position at the time, so minute details of extremely specific parts of daily life are just as difficult to memorize as you or me, meaning that the mental “diarylike” skill that they possess does not extend to other aspects of remembering.. Many people with HSAM are much like us, and their power has not been proven to be used to significantly outpace ones colleagues meaning HSAM isn’t viewed as much in a light of a superpower but rather an ability with relatively little application to ones’ professional …show more content…
One specific example I can use to explain my ability to memorize was though me experiences in my high school AP history classes. Over the course of my high school career I took 3 different AP history classes which included World History, US History and European History. I must admit I was a terrible student and I always slept in class and the only times I had received information was when I mindlessly took notes from the textbook for homework. However, I found it very odd because I retained and memorized this information very well and I was as a result able to write essays with ease and lots of information. I also sometimes wasn’t able to memorize a certain fact off the top of my head and say what Alexander Hamilton’s economic program was, because of how specific or vague the information would be, but when I took multiple choice tests I would read a question and the possible answers and something in my mind would become activated through association and I would then easily know which was the correct answer (which was to establish financial stability and credit of the new government). With that ability I was able to get a 4 and two 5’s on those history exams with very minimal studying and just relying on my ability to associate possible answers to a question. I’m sure