Application-“Don’t blame the eater” SUMMMARY 1: Zinczenko claims that there are inexpensive and convenient alternatives to fast food, but I don’t believe that it is true. Most restaurants are very expensive and sometimes just as unhealthy as fast food restaurants. These restraints also can serve the same thing as any fast food restaurant does. SUMMARY 2: In “Don’t blame the eater” Zinczenko states that being overweight is a problem of cultural stereotypes, but is it? Being overweight can be a genuine medical problem too.…
He stands out the past from the present in an unassumingly obvious way: "Before 1994…only about 5 percent of childhood cases [of type two diabetes] were obesity related…today type two diabetes accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country" (392). He is clear and does not attempt to euphemize the reasons for type two diabetes. He essentially expresses the stunning changes in the patterns, which is extremely viable from the readers viewpoint, he plainly expresses that obesity influences diabetes rates, ruling out deviation of thought in the reader's brain. Later in his paper, Zinczenko states reality about serving sizes in fast-food – another guilty party of overweight inside of the food business (293). By straightforwardly expressing the truths about the serving size, he amplifies the control to the readers. Direct inquiries, distinctive symbolism and a blunt tone fortify Zinczenko's contention about the control the food industry has. It is dependent upon us, as customers, to perceive this and roll out improvements in our general public for a better life for future…
In the article, “Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko” discussing the major topics of the article about the corporations, consumers, and nutrition values. The majority point about the article is about fast food corporations, lack of time & nutrition, and consumers falling into the deception of fast food. Another major key of the article, about the child being neglected and set up for failure. In my proposition of agreeing with the author “David Zinczenko” arguing about the fast food corporation corrupting America society with improper food.…
Zinczenko argues that most teenagers who live a lifestyle based on a fast food diet might be destined for a lifetime obesity. For Example, David Zinczenko states in his article” Don’t Blame the Eater”, that “Before 1994, diabetes in children was generally caused by a genetic disorder-only about 5 percent of children cases were obesity related, or type 2, diabetes. Today, according to the National Institutes of Health, Type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country. Not surprisingly, money spent to treat diabetes has skyrocketed, too. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that diabetes accounted for $2.6 billion in health care costs in 1969. Today’s number is an unbelievable $100 billion a year” (Zinczenko 242). He argues that it is the fast food chains’ fault that diabetes and other obesity illnesses have risen in the few past years because they did not provide calorie information on fast food packaging or do not have warning labels on their product. David Zinczenko also argues that the fast food industry are to blame for obesity because they are aiming and marketing towards children their product even though the fast food chains know the proven health issues that there is and provide no warning…
David Zinczenko is the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine and the author of numerous best-selling books. Zinczenko is a man known for his work; his work and credibility shines bright because he has contributed op-ed essays to the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and USA Today. He has also appeared on Oprah, Ellen, 20/20, and Good Morning America. The fact that he is so accomplished in the area of eating healthy shows just how credible he is when it comes to discussing fast food vs. the eater. Zinczenko believes that the fast food industry is partly at fault for the growing rate of obesity. Although Zinczenko’s background and accomplishments gives us the evidence we need to know in order to trust his judgments, his emotional way of getting his points across make a difference as well. In the beginning of the essay, Zinczenko tells us about himself and how he grew up with troubled parents who weren’t together, and with very little options of what to eat for lunch and dinner every day. He explains that his options were mainly fast food, which caused him to be an overweight teenager. In other words, he uses his story of himself as a teenager growing up with family problems to draw people in and get them to sympathize with the overweight teenagers and get them to see that it is not all their fault and that it is, in fact, partly the fast food industry’s fault. One of his final arguments is that without warning labels on fast food industry products, we will see more sick, obese children and more angry parents.…
In his article "don't blame the eater" Zinczenko blames the food industry for the obesity epidemic. Zinczenko opens his articles with a personal story about growing up eating fast food because his parents split up, his mom had to work and he had no other options. He goes on to give statistics on childhood diabetes due to obesity. Zinczenko then insists that "complicating the lack of alternatives is the lack of information about what exactly we're consuming." over all Zinczenko is advocating changes in the fast food industry because he believes there is a direct link between obesity, monies spent on fast food advertising and the costs of health care.…
The only entity fast food restaurants desire is money. They do not care about health, weight, or medical problems. Fast food is everywhere, also “ there are more than 160,000 fast food restaurants in America. More than fifty million customers are served per day” (Zinczenko 464). These statistics are outrageous and embarrassing for Americans. The food these companies produce is horrible in nutrition and damaging for one’s health. Even though fast food is tempting, one should stay far away from it as possible. In David Zinczenko article “Don’t Blame the Eater,” he has his own personal experience as an example for people, specifically teenagers, to stay away from fast food. Although fast food produces delicious products, these products contain blinding nutrition facts, and the companies mainly target teenagers.…
Obesity is becoming more and more serious issue in America, people's ideas clash together on this issue. The question that becomes the key point of contention is: who should be responsible for obesity? If we want to know who contribute to obesity, we need to figure out the cause of obesity. This unhealthy eating habit has become more and more common in our daily life. People mainly focus on their work and studies while ignoring their diet. Fast food is lacking the necessary nutrition, which leads to the questionable assumption that eating a lot will cause some diseases. On one hand, Zinczenko suggests that we should know how much nutrition is in our food and then reasonably arrange our diet plan so it will be balanced better. Fast food companies should provide nutrition information to people, so they can choose their products depending on the information they receive. This way, fast food companies not only protect themselves, but also their customers. However,…
He said that he “tends to sympathize with these portly fast-food patrons. Maybe because [he] used to be one of them” (Zinczenko 391). Zinczenko believes that we are not warned as consumers to what is in the foods that we eat. Fast food is a big convenience factor because there are fast food restaurants everywhere and within minimal miles from each other. He thinks that it is the fast food restaurants’ fault for our obesity because first, they are everywhere, second, they are the only thing affordable, and third, we don’t have any other options. Zinczenko asks, “where, exactly, are consumers--particularly teenagers--supposed to find alternatives?” (Zinczenko 392). There are many alternatives that can be found. Agreeing with him, fast food is one of the cheapest options, but there is food that is not much more expensive and can be accessed just as easily as fast food can. He also believes that we are not given any warning labels that it can lead to obesity, but this is easily argumentative. Although there are not specific labels of what can happen when you eat a McDonald’s meal, we all know what is healthy and unhealthy. We know that fried food is bad for you and is fattening. We know that greasy foods are high in fat. We also know that fruits, vegetables, green foods, etc are high in nutrients and are good for your body. When people try and blame the fast food restaurants for their health, it is just someone to put the blame on because they don’t want to admit that they did this to themselves. Zinczenko also thinks that “our industry is vulnerable. Fast-food companies are marketing to children a product with proven health hazards and no warning labels” (Zinczenko 393). Although kids may be more vulnerable than teenagers or grown-ups, their guardian still needs to take it upon themselves to inform their children about what is good and bad…
“How much obesity has to be created in a single decade for people to realize that diet has to be responsible for it?” (Atkins). In the essays “Don’t Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenko and “What You Eat Is Your Business” by Radley Balko there are numerous suggestions being shown about the things people take in their bodies when eating fast foods. Zinczenko argues that many children who gain weight because of fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s should not be blamed for their problems. He also provide information stating that they should be able to sue the fast food companies for making them obese (892-894). In Balko’s essay, he suggests that people should be responsible for the foods they consume. Balko argues that people are being less…
Some people disagree that fast food is the cause of obesity and believe the real cause is the parents or blaming others for obesity. Yes, fast food is not the only cause of obesity, however, fast food restaurants are the leading cause of the obesity problem. There are numerous fast food restaurants that offer a variety of foods (e.g., burger, tacos, pizza). These fast food restaurants might have other foods to pick from; however, these foods are made of the same fattening ingredients, which is still obviously unhealthy. Most fast food ingredients contain fattening ingredients: saturated fat, carbohydrates, and more sugar than natural foods that are considered healthy. Because of these less healthy ingredients and the levels of fat and sugar…
A statement about this results are how the all of the United States and the global food processing and even some other type of industry such as the beverage are dominated by a monopoly of powerful multinational corporations. Some of this industries are the ones that make the choices of what can be distributed and it is a large influence on the large percentage amount of the food consume by the majority of people. Most of them are chains such as McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC and Subway even as the chain known as Subway can be appeared to be a healthy alternative to most people. But it still has large amount of influence such as this other companies it which are known for their not so healthy standards which eventually lead to obesity. Even with them only about being not so many of this companies in the year 2008 their total revenue generated exceeded for $127 billion dollars which was higher than the total frozen foods revenue, this can show the results how all the food industry wants is to achieve economic success focusing on the saving of energy and ensure the a better performance for the…
It is showed to us that these junk we eat from McDonald’s in particularly or any other fast food is a threat to our health, resulting in different kinds of diseases, mental disorder and may also result to death. This is clearly presented through the convention, experts/talking heads. Several doctors, dietitians, lawyers, school directors, surgeons, lunch providers, nutritionist and anyone who plays a part in the clash of fast food companies and public health were interviewed and showed. They all recognise that these fast foods are a threat to our daily lives which is some of the main causes of the different effects and consequences that are clearly dangerous to public health. The variety of talking head interviews allow the viewers to understand more of the dangers of these junk foods which is a poison to our health. A lawyer that was interviewed was John F Banzhaf. He is the first lawyer to sue the tobacco company and now going against the fast food industry. He stated that “Obesity is now overtaking smoking as a major cause of preventable death in America, with over 400,000 deaths each year with related illnesses”. This brought a sense disturbance and realisation to the viewers, helped them experience the impact of the effects of eating fast foods. Talking head interviews emphasised that the fast food industries exist as a threat to our health,…
It has been said that obesity in American has become an epidemic. What has caused this huge health issue in this great country? Many people believe fast food is to blame for America being obese. Is it really that simple? What could be some other possible reasons for our country being so obese compared to other countries? In this paper I hope to discuss these issues and show that fast food is solely to blame for this epidemic as well to inform the readers about what they are consuming and giving to their children to consume and in turn help people make lifestyle changes to live healthier.…
Obesity in America is on the rise now, with 72-million people contributing to this new “epidemic.” People need to start taking care of their bodies or they could possibly lose their lives to the leading cause of death in America—heart disease. Believe it or not, this epidemic isn’t just effecting the human population. Twenty-five percent of cats and dogs are now heavier than they should be. With excess weight usually comes many kinds of physiological, behavioral, social, environmental and economic problems. Childhood obesity rates have nearly tripled since the 1980’s, and current research shows that almost one-third of children over two years of age are already overweight or obese ("Obesity In America: What 's Driving The Epidemic."). To put a stop to this epidemic, we need a solution that goes far beyond simply eating less. This obesity epidemic is responsible for more than one hundred sixty-thousand additional deaths each year in America now. Currently, 72% of men and 63% of women are overweight (White).…