This independent documentary was released on September 1, 2006, after premiering at the Sundance Film Festival. The original cut of this film received a NC-17 rating; however after an appeal, the new version was “not rated”.
The setting of the documentary is real-life locations that are mostly shot in the daytime. Personal interviews in the film are shot while the subject(s) were seated in personal office rooms or outdoors. Most of the undercover investigations, fueled by Becky Altringer, Kirby Dick, and Lindsey Howell were shot around MPAA office building surroundings, and nearby locations and restaurants in Los Angeles. At times, different film techniques, such as hidden cameras were employed to prevent them getting caught and to suggest the practicality and confidentiality of the investigation. The film intermittently transitions to show different scenes from movies that were under scrutiny by the MPAA ratings board, such as “Team America”, “The Cooler”, “The Dreamers”, etc.
We follow Kirby Dick and his team (Becky Altringer and Lindsey Howell) in a private investigation to unveil the identities of the