French Indian War: The French and Indian War was held from 1755-1760. It was a war in North America between France and Britain, which were both aided by Indian tribes.
Proclamation Act: The Proclamation Act was an official announcement from the British government that ended all settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Stamp Act: The Stamp Act was a law passed in 1765 by British Parliament that forced people to pay tax on items such as newspapers and legal documents.
Sugar Act: The Sugar Act reduced the rate of tax on molasses, while Greenville took measures that the duty be severely forced. The act also listed more foreign merchandise to be taxed including sugar, certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric and printed calico, and further, regulated the export of lumber and iron. (Book)
Stamp Act Congress: The Stamp Act Congress was 9 colonies that joined together to appeal the stamp act and they argued that colonial taxation could only be carried on by their own assemblies.
Declatory Act: This was a deleration by the British parliament that followed the end of the stamp act and stated the britches parliament had directly taxed colonies although taxing authority was the same in both America and Britain.
Boston Massacre: On the night of March 5, 1770, a group of Boston youths and dockworkers insulated and through snowballs at a British guard. A shooting occurred and when it stopped, five people were dead in the street.
Townshend Acts: The Townshend Acts were laws passed by British Parliament that placed imprint duties on tea, paper, glass and paint.
Tea Act: The Tea Act gave the East Indian Company exclusive rights to sell tea directly to the Americans without paying the British import tax.
Boston Tea Party: The Boston Tea party happened in the fall of 1773 when ships carrying over 500,000 pounds of East India Company Tea was coming into Boston, and so many people all dumped out the expansive tea.
Intolerable Acts: The Intolerable Acts were laws passed by England in 1774 to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party.