Elise, Brenda and Annie come up with a plan to take down their ex-husbands Aaron, Morty, and Bill. Their group name was called “the first wives club”. Their ex-husband left them for someone younger and seems as if their lives were great and ruin them. Elise find out her ex was dating a 16 who he thought was 21 and the gf thought she was going to be a star in the bill movie. She used that against him and now he is under her control. Brenda ex is dating a women who likes the high expensive life and all about spending money. Brenda founds out mortys merchandise was stolen and used that against him. Annie goes through a separation with her husband but later fins out he is seeing their therapist. Annie buys the advertisement company to where Aaron has nothing. The ladies decide it wasn’t revenge. It was justice for their friend who committed suicide because of neglect. They have to pay for the center contribute to their dear friend Cynthia swann
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Elise was ting more …………..
She was telling the surgeon she hasn’t worked in 18 months and has a meeting with the director and she would kill for that part. She said “I have to look sexy” the surgeon told her she was and how she was his masterpiece and doesn’t have one line on her face. He hands her a mirror. She points out a few wrinkles. Surgeon tells her she is 45 and says “if I give you one more face lift you’re going to be able to link your lips” he tells her how she is older. Elise tells him there is only 3 ages for women in Hollywood babe, district attorney, and driving miss daisy. She wants to be young
Section C- Chapter 4
Cynthia Swann Griffin was a wealthy divorced women. She was the valedictorian of her graduating class in 1969. She was most likely to succeed. She gave her husband the best years of her life, sacrifice her youth, and always put her first last. Her husband Gilbert Grifman got with a younger women she felt neglecting. She had a great life. At Cynthia funeral her former husband showed up with his wife. He was a man-made rich by his first wife connection.
Section D
Continuity theory is aging successful and keeping your behavior and traits the same as when you were younger. After their dear friend Cynthia swann died. The 3 ladies when to lunch. They been away from each other for 20 years. Annie and Brenda asks Elise how she hasn’t changed one bit in 20 years. Brenda asks Elise what she has done to keep herself looking young. Brenda is curious about Elise lips and asked if their waxed. Elise says “I work out every day, I watch my diet. I have not had plastic surgery.” Moments later she finally admits she had been freshen up a little bit.