Ownership: The Fisher Body-General Motors
Relationship Revisited
University qfCalijbrnia, Los Angeles
I have always considered my work with Armen Alchian and Robert Crawford
(1978) on vertical integration to represent an extension of Coase 's classic article on "The Nature of the Firm." By focusing on the "hold-up" potential that is created when firm-specific investments are made by transactors, or what we called the appropriation of quasi-rents, I believed we had elucidated one aspect of the Coasian concept of transaction costs associated with market exchange. We hypothesized that an increase infirm-specificinvestments, by increasing the market transaction costs associated with a hold-up, increased the likelihood of vertical integration. This relationship between firm-specific investments, market transaction costs, and vertical integration was illustrated by examining the contractual difficulties that existed when General Motors purchased automobile bodies from Fisher Body and the corresponding benefits that were created when the parties vertically integrated.
It is clear from Coase 's lectures that he considers our analysis not to represent an extension of his earlier work, but rather to be an alternative, incorrect explanation for vertical integration (1988: lecture 3). Coase recognizes that an increase in the quasi-rents yielded byfirm-specificinvestments creates a hold-up potential. However, he argues that there is no reason to believe that this situation is more likely to lead to vertical integration than to a long-term contract. Although long-term contracts are imperfect, opporI am grateful to Harold Demsetz, Kevin James, Timothy Opkr, and Oliver Williamson for useful comments.
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization vol. 4, no. 1 Spring 1988
O 1988 by Yale University. All rights reserved. ISSN 8756-€222
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