
Cultural Relativism Flaws

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Cultural Relativism Flaws
The Flaws of Cultural Relativism

Renowned philosopher Peter Singer once said: “...from a still larger point of view, my society is just one among other societies, and the interests of members of my society are no more important, from that larger perspective, than the similar interests of members of other societies… Taking the impartial element in ethical reasoning to its logical conclusion means, first, accepting that we ought to have equal concern for all human beings." What Singer is saying here, is that when societies make decisions, they must think first if it is the best for all its people; but instead, the world judges right away when encountering differences. From a play, to a novel, to contemporary world issues, Cultural Relativism
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Accepting the theory will help people have more of an open mind, it will spread equality amongst the diverse cultures, and prevent conflict from cultures as well. There are many unfortunate events that have occurred over time; but if people who were involved in these events were to acknowledge these good causes that Cultural Relativism brings, there is a much more possibility where damage might have been prevented. Take a look at Nazi Germany, who treated Jewish people wrong in every way possible... to the point where they killed them. Most people now would consider it completely outrageous, wrong, immoral, etc. to do what the Nazis did to the Jews; but to the Nazis’ leader, Adolf Hitler, it was completely necessary. He blamed them for many things, such as losing the First World War, prostitution and pornography and everything else he disliked; but what he really disliked, was the way the Jewish people wanted to live by at the time. The Jews wanted to live by Communism and once Hitler concluded that Jews were Communists, he decided to take away all civil rights from them. For example he had signs up that would say “Jews not admitted” in practically every decent area(Simkin.)Well, instead of mistreating Jewish people, each Nazi and their leader would have been more humane if they went by Cultural Relativism. Since Cultural Relativism’s purpose is to help cultures interact with each …show more content…
Achebe, in Things Fall Apart, demonstrates how the women in the Igbo society do not get to live the life they may desire because of how they are not treated- with no equality. To the Igbo tribe, it is the man who is more superior. Achebe talks about Okonkwo’s desires for Nwoye when he says: “He wanted him to be a prosperous man, having enough in his barn to feed the ancestors with regular sacrifices. And so he was always happy when he heard him grumbling about his women-folk. No matter how prosperous a man was, if he was unable to rule his women and his children(and especially his women) he was not really a man”(53.) In this quote, it is obvious that women are treated as if they were dogs that men must watch over, and train. A woman should not be talked about in this way because they are not an animal, they are just as human as men are. In this culture, a man must be strong, tough, and fearless. If they are weaker than expected, then that is an automatic put down for them. Anything that is related to weakness, is related to a woman. Equality is a right that everyone should should have because it is a big role to have their pursuit of happiness. Achebe shows us here that the women must devote their life for a man’s happiness and how a man creates the purpose of a woman’s existence. People would not

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