The early Christian community left us with evidence dealing with the diversity of the early Christian community. The early Christian community deals with Jewish-Christians, Palestine, and Syria. The Palestines deals with Jesus as a fully human. Jesus was a man God adopted as his son. The reason God adopted him as his son so he could represent him on earth, so in other words Jesus was God in human form. Some more evidences that the early Christian Community left was that some Christians in other places such as Rome claimed that Jesus was entirely divine, which means that he was a spirit that only appeared in human form (Harris, 2014). The portrait of Jesus that was painted in the fifth gospel of Thomas was Thomas showing Jesus leading his disciples into God’s Kingdom.
Reference Harris, S. L. (2014). The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction (8th ed). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
4. There are several things that led to the Jewish Revolt of 66-73CE. The Jewish Revolt was originating in Roman and also with the Jewish ethnic and religious tensions. Other