The Sartorius and Biceps femoris are synergists of the Rectus femoris. As the body lowers, the hips and knees undergo flexion, the ankle dorsiflexes and muscles around the joint contract. Tension is taken from the hamstrings when the knees slide forward during the squat. The hip extensors work in a vertical jump to extend the hip after the initial squat. These muscles include the Gluteus maximus and the hamstrings. The hamstrings are two-joint muscles. In addition to extending the hip, they work to bend the
The Sartorius and Biceps femoris are synergists of the Rectus femoris. As the body lowers, the hips and knees undergo flexion, the ankle dorsiflexes and muscles around the joint contract. Tension is taken from the hamstrings when the knees slide forward during the squat. The hip extensors work in a vertical jump to extend the hip after the initial squat. These muscles include the Gluteus maximus and the hamstrings. The hamstrings are two-joint muscles. In addition to extending the hip, they work to bend the