Abandonment Issues Michael Oher’s drive to play collegiate and professional football reminds me of Alfred Adler’s theory where he thinks that the universal drive to adolescents is to strive. The individual psychology theory (Adler, …show more content…
Harold Kelley and John Thibaut’s exchange theory (Kelley and Thibaut, 1978) assumes that people try to maximize their rewards in life and minimize their cost. According to the theory, people assess a relationship by its outcome-their subjective perception of the rewards of the relationship minus its costs.
Michael Oher wanted to maximize his reward by going pro. He wanted to minimize his cost which was growing up in a gang neighborhood and not coming from a rich household. He wanted his reward to mean the world to him and wanted people to know that you don’t have to come from a rich household to become a pro football player. He came from basically nothing and became someone who people will remember for a long while.
Low Self-Esteem
The William James theory uses a simple formula which is self-esteem= success/pretensions (James, 1980). Pretensions refer to our goals, values, and what we believe about our potential. If our actual achievements are low and our believed potential and goals are high, we see ourselves as