Explain all four states of consciousness and provide an example of a behavioral associated with each state of consciousness.
Waking consciousness: state in which thoughts, feelings, and sensations are clear, organized and the person feels alert. An example would be doing your daily activates.
Sleep/dreams: Your body must sleep. You have internal clock that tells you when to go to sleep and when to wake up. Everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep. There are four stages of sleep.
•Stage One: Light sleep, averaging 10 minutes, where brain waves, called theta waves, are active and indicate the early stages of sleep. This is when dreams are more likely to occur.
•Stage Two: Lasts approximately 20 minutes, marked by brief bursts of brain wave activity known as sleep spindles.
•Stages three and four: Deep sleep, averaging thirty to forty minutes in each stage, where delta waves or long, slow waves indicate these deepest stages of sleep.
Hypnosis is the state of consciousness in which a person is especially susceptible or likely to be receptive. It can produce amnesia and reduce pain but it can’t give increased strength or enhance one’s memory.
Drugs: A person can develop a physical or psychological dependence on psychoactive drugs. Drugs are classified as depressants (such as alcohol and barbiturates), stimulants (such as amphetamines, cocaine, and nicotine), narcotics (such as opiates), and psychedelics and hallucinogens (such as LSD, marijuana, and ecstasy).
I got all the answers correct in the tutorial. It was easy to follow. The states of consciousness to me are that you may not always aware of what is going on with reality in different states. Only when you are awake are you fully aware of what is going on around you. You can become sleep deprived that can affect your ability to focus and define what is real and what is not. The two theories of hypnosis are Hilgard’s theory (dissociative theory) and Social cognitive