in his community.
Even though his disabilities make every-day life skills difficult, Tyler does not give up and works hard to achieve all his goals. His karate instructor brainstorms with Tyler about ways to he can perform karate moves which are challenging for him due to his disabilities. He demonstrated all of the karate moves from his knees. His cub scouts group wanted him to participate in the baseball game. He batted from his chair and was pushed around the bases by his father. The band director used Tyler’s strengths to appropriately place Tyler in a role that would benefit Tyler and the rest of the band. When Tyler wanted to participate in theater he auditioned like everyone else and the fact that he has a speech impairment and mobility issues did not keep him for landing role in the play. The director saw talent in Tyler and did not discriminate against him because of his disabilities. Tyler is an advocate for ability awareness. He is speaking out about the importance of seeing an individual and not the disabilities the individual has. All of the people in Tyler’s life help create a positive social environment which helped increase Tyler’s self-esteem and help develop a sense of acceptance and belonging among his …show more content…
peers and teachers.
Reactions of non-disabled individuals can affect the performance of individuals with physical, sensory, and health impairments positively and negatively.
Poor treatment of individuals with physical, sensory, and health impairments can lead to depression, issues with self-concept, and lack of motivation to perform task. Individuals may begin to feel as if they are a burden or hindrance to their caregivers. They develop guilt because of the disabilities that they have and feel as if they do not belong or do not have a place in society. Individuals may become withdrawn and lack self-advocacy skills which can lead to issues with their health and physical well being. When caregivers and/or parents are unwilling to wait and allow the individual time to perform task the individual can become too dependent on others. Learned helplessness can keep individuals from attempting to learn task that can be mastered with enough trials and accommodations. Non-disabled individual can help contribute to a positive environment and atmosphere. They should look past disability and get to know the individual instead of perceiving them negatively or incompetent due to their disability. Individuals with physical, sensory, and health impairments benefit from exposure to other individuals that can relate to them. Being active in activities at school or in the community also help increase
Reaction of non-disabled individuals can affect an individual with physical, sensory, and health impairments self-concept or how they value themselves. If the individual feels that he/she is a hinderance or a burden to their family or loved-ones, it can make them unhappy or begin to isolate themselves. Depression and guilt can plague the individual and this would lead to lack of self-advocacy and motivation. Getting the individual involved with others who share the same disabilities or similar ones can help promote a positive self-concept. Educating the individual about their disabilities will can help boost self-concept as well as motivate the individual to pursue their goals. If there are recreational or leisure activities in the community or school that interest the individual such as Special Olympics, the individual can let their caregiver or guardians know and start the process to join the team or club.