In the teaching area of digital design for master degree, there is one brand-new assignment method has come which is FRED. FRED-Item inspires students to create their own thinking into their production. There are four parts in FRED-Item which are covered every factor that should appeared in one scholar assignment. FRED-Item contains many digital types beside common essay. Students will consider not only the topic for FRED, but also the best way that can achieve their ideas in their works. Beyond that, FRED-Item has added some features that are required in design works, such as copyright and references.
Keywords: FRED, FRED-Item, Thinking, Learning, Digital Design, Student, Assignment, Reference, Keyword, Education, University
In modern society, computer technology is widely used by universities on the earth. With it will come many new programs and courses that student can choose, which includes the digital design. Digital design is a sunrise special field in 21st century. It is a first task that how to rightly directs students to understand and learn this special field (Keane. 2012). Based on these two backgrounds, FRED, a new educational and interactive evolution, is born. What is FRED-Item? This question may become the most asked question for everyone who was the first time to meet FRED-Items. To be specified, FRED means “Freely Relational Educational Design”(Keane, 2013, p.1). It designed and developed within Griffith University’s master degree of digital design teaching area (Keane, 2012). Or to be more precise, FRED is made up with four parts: Part1 contains title, FRED-Ref, keywords and abstract the basic information. Part 2 is about content. Part 3 includes references, appendix, and future investigations. And Part 4 shows audiences investigation via Q&A and/or critical analysis. Superficially, FRED-Items looks like a kind of assignment. However, the information that FRED can be provided is more