After reading Chapters 1-3, review the videos Ray Kurzweil on How Technology Will Transform Us and Ray Kurzweil: A University for the Coming Singularity. (Interactive transcripts are also available on the TED web site.) Based on what you have learned, which of Kurzweil's predictions do you agree with, and which do you doubt? Why? Please be specific. I agree with Kurzweil’s predictions about the communications revolution. Kurzweil states that, “The price performance, bandwidth, capacity of communications measured many different ways; wired, wireless is growing exponentially. The internet has been doubling in power and continues to, measured many different ways. This is based on the number of hosts.” For example look at Facebook and Twitter two of the most popular social networks. These sights grow with technology and are constantly becoming more advanced. Another popular host is Google you can search anything you want on this sight and it will come up swiftly.
I don’t agree with Kurzweil’s predictions on computers will disappear. One the year he said they would disappear was 2010. Technology is growing but the computers have not disappeared. Two we don’t have written images directly to our retina where we are in virtual reality. We are still on the verge of a lot of this technology just not there yet. I don’t think this will happen in 2029 either even though technology is growing faster each day we are still behind the power curve. For example look at the movie “I Robot.” There are human like intelligence that machines will never be able to do such as think or remember. However, they can store data and produce analytical outcome for multiple scenarios.
I’m thrilled about singularity and exponential technology because the human brain Kurzweil and his team are building can be a great resource to patients with brain problems. “There are about 20 regions of the brain that have been modeled, simulated and tested: the