Gus LaFosse
March 1, 2015 Research Proposal: The Garden of Forking Paths The Garden of the forking paths is written by an Argentine writer and a poet Jorge Luis Borges in 1941. The story take the form of a confession of the war prisoner Dr. Yu Tsun who is German spy in the Second World War. As the narrator explains he wants to shed some light on an even which led to a delay of a British assault against the German on 1916. Dr. Tsun tries to escape from the British Captain Richard Madden, after his and his subordinates’ secret identity was divulged. He possesses valuable information on the exact location of new British artillery park and he wants get the message to his chief before Madden catches up to him. He devices a plan and gets on a train to Ashgrove. Captain madden sees him in the train station but is unable to catch him. Tsun reaches his destination through a labyrinth like path. He meets Stephen Albert a sinologist, at his house. There he learns the truth about his ancestors’ masterpiece of text labyrinth which bifurcate time rather than space. Finally Tsun kills Albert just after proclaiming his friendship to him. This was Tsuns’ ultimate plan. Since the name of location of the artillery park is Albert, when he kills a man with name Albert it would appear in the British newspapers and his chief would figure it out. The plan was a success and the artillery park was bombed. The whole story is labyrinth itself and Borges uses imagery and symbolisms keep the reader in suspense. Borges make the readers’ mind also to be fork down different stories. For example the two lost pages in the beginning and the footnote by the manuscript editor etc.. Ts'ui Pen's story is also a maze which creates parallel or alternate universes by bifurcating different outcomes which leads infinite number of endings. The story is rich with symbolism and imagery. In different places the word “labyrinth” symbolizes different settings. Narrator also